Anonymous ID: 39974a Sept. 1, 2018, 5 a.m. No.2830659   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The bloodline families are extreme K


K is often characterized by ingroup loyalty, intelligence, predatory nature, providing for children, slow pop. growth rate, i.e. quality over quantity


Conversely, r is characterized by selfishness, promiscuity, early breeding, little or no parenting, fighting over mates, short term thinking.


Notice that all the puppetmasters' social engineering projects in the West favor r.


It's almost like they want to bifucate us into two species: One with 170 IQ and a vision of 1000 years… and the other with 85 IQ, no ability to plan beyond next gibs, no ability to get their shit together, full of easily manipulated anger but unable to figure out who their real enemy is. After they finish US off, they would be sacrificial animals, forever.