Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:02 a.m. No.2829969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0045

White Rabbits

Might be a symbol for the Finders

Very productive creatures

Produce lots of nice kiddies

For raping and sacrificing

and all sorts of FUN and fucked up stuff

Oh goodie

I shall follow the White Rabbits

Because this makes powerful magick

So that the kiddies


And fall down the hole!!!

Into my dungeon

Oh goodie

I can tast their sweet blood now

And their squeals

I do so love their teary eyed squealing

They usually have NO IDEA what I am about to do!!!

Oh goodie goodie

Remember the time we just grabbed them by the legs

And bashed their heads against the wall so hard

That the brains sprayed all over us



Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.2830045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0309 >>0588



One Anon thought this was too real

Too informed


It's true

You see, I have been on the Internet a long time

I know how to find stuff

I am an autist which means I have insane perseverance

So I can find stuff that you can't find

In any search engine

The secret?


Follow chains of links

Sometimes broken links that need to be repaired

Sometimes going via

Follow long chains.


You will have seen the porn sites

Where you click on a link

And it goes to another site

And sometimes if you go back and try a few times

It eventually works

And if you keep following a chain

And deleting the old tabs

It seems to learn from you

And it inserts provocative choices

Like a page full of hairy bush women

But one link is bestiality

So if you click those extreme links

Then you get more similar suggestions


Extreme could mean violent sex

It could be kidnap or rape or girls that seem a bit too young

Most people do not go there


But I am insane


So I go there

I am curious

So I go there

One time I was following a chain

Of rape or maybe kidnap videos

And I found some strangulation ones

Where a girl is kidnapped, taken to a forest cabin or similar remote place

Then forcibly stripped, then raped and during the rape strangled until she is dead

Then the rape is consumated… EJACULATION

I could see that most of these were fake


I am an autist after all

I see things

And then I saw some where there really was a murder

But I kept following links

Until I came to a video

In a dungeon

With barrels of body parts along the walls.

Used up victims

There were candles

And symbols

And naked people covered with blood

On the floor a naked teenage girl, maybe 15

And horrendous satanic music was playing

And this guy who was naked and covered in blood

Including dripping from the lips

Was making a row of incisions

Cutting deep through the skin into muscle

maybe 5cm long

And spaced about 10 cm apart from the breasts to the hips

And another row on the other side of the body

The girl was drugged or unconscious

If you have ever butchered meat

You can see the difference between real cuts

And those fake movie knives which drip blood

From the side not seen by the camera


Satanic ritual? Vampires feeding?

All I know it was real and it was evil

And even I could not watch to the end


What does "Even I" mean?

It means I have looked through lots of gore sites

To steel myself

Against emotional reflexes.


Somebody has to be able to look at this stuff

To bear witness.

I know many Anons

Will not even be able to read this posting to the end

So be it.

Vampires are real

But they are not supernatural

We are ruled by pyschopathic serial killers

Who delight in pain and suffering and unspeakable horrors

One moment they suck blood from a baby

The next they eat each others shot

The howl and shriek like animals

And these are the wealthy elite who rule us all.

Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:26 a.m. No.2830060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0067 >>0510



White Helmets do NOT traffic children


They use children

But it is for their home movies

WHere they fake bomb attacks

And then rescue children with strategic patches of red paint

And dust

From the horrible enemy bomb attack

But it is all faked.


Possibly they have some children that they kidnapped

From their enemy

and they certainly do drug them

To make them dazed and confused

But this is unlikely to be connected to the child sex trafficking

Which thrives in other parts of the world.


Look at Rwanda

And BAD which used to be run by Rwanda's finance minister

Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:46 a.m. No.2830113   🗄️.is 🔗kun



First one is an Illuminati kid in training

To become a full member of the cult of con-artists

You have to bring in cold hard cash

And working at a job is NOT allowed

You have to con people out of money

Like David Hogg does,

Fleecing the sheep…


The third one

Looks like the girl is around

4yo so probably the brother's job

Is to fuck her every night

To open her up and get ready for the big ceremony

Where her grandad or her father open her

That opening will cause bleeding

Which is why they will put a white cloth under her

To make a map which is saved for the rest of her life.

It's the first stage of a girl becoming a full bloodline member


That second one with the girl and her dad

Have Illuminati symbolism

The sun with a pentagram

This is something about

Dad and daughter being one

And I would not be surprised if there was a sexual componen

Although it may be lesbian sex

Because the Dad is obviously her twin sister.

In the LARP, that is.

Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.2830150   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This girl from New York

Spent her childhood in Uzbekistan

And decided to try make a career

In Russia

On this program, The Voice Russia

If the judges hit the red button

To turn their chairs around

It means a YES!

Nargiz Zakirova singing in English

Still loving you


Is this Russian collusion?

Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2830176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0194




What a fuckwit you are

Kids cannot be shipped alive

Unless they can breathe

What good are dead kids?

And don't say organs

Because they need to be shipped on ice



Take the body of a 9-year old girl

Murdered by her father

In Kalideres, West Jakarta, Indonesia

And dumped in the trash

Add some spoopy photos

And you can convince people that pedovores are out there

And maybe even make some money off the marks

Stupid enough to believe you


If you cannot use LOGIC

Then you don't belong here


Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.2830195   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Fuck off asshole!!!

George Washington and friends were masons


Donald Trump is a mason from a masonic family

The Clan MacLeod

Who have been fighting it out with Clan Sinclair

The Satanist masons

For centuries

Justin Trudeau is a Sinclair

So is Fidel Castro


Masons have worked out the plan to free us

Because not all masons are satanists

The satanist cult of con-artist

Infiltrated masonic lodges


It always boils down to individuals

Not identifiable groups

That is why Q tells us

Most people are good

Even in a hardcore bloodline Illuminati clan like Rothschild

Most people are good

At worst they are drones

Controlled by the Queen Bee Matriarch

To do some mundane job

The clan runs with a pyramidal hierarchy

And only the highly ranked members

In the cap of the pyramid

Are doing the evil stuff


This is how we know so much about their symbolism

And their rituals

And the importance of certain dates for certain things to happen

And we are screwing all of that up

To make their world completely fall apart

Because this is the END TIME


It's all over


When we are done, there will be no satanists

The cult of con-artists will be disbanded

It will be a whole new world

Looking forward to a thousand years of peace


And we will colonize the Moon

Then Mars

Then the Asteroid Belt

And there we will build the generation ships

Powered by LENR which will take the long voyages

To all the nearby stars

Some of them will succeed

And when our SUN burns up

There will still be humans living in the universe

If we keep paying it forward

And keep travelling

We will survive until the heat death of the universe

And why not?

The great adventure

Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 2:39 a.m. No.2830210   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Five Russian girls singing

A cappella in the street

They call themselves

White Gold

Because in Russia

It's not a crime to be white

And proud

Anonymous ID: 521dc0 Sept. 1, 2018, 2:47 a.m. No.2830234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0239 >>0713



666 is the number of evil

The number of Satan's power

Where you find 666

Satan rules!!!


Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons

Therefore, this material world

Is actually, HELL

When you die

You may go to heaven

But if you are not holy enough

You will go to HELL

In other words

Reincarnate right back here on Earth.


This little fact

Unifies the 3 middle eastern religions

Believing in Heaven and Hell

with the other ones

That believe in rebirth.


Just remember

Our enemy is not Satan

It is the psychopathic cult of con-artists

Who dreamed up the evil idea

Of killing and slaughtering and making so much mayhem

That the Messiah would return

And remove evil from the world

They want to cheat God

And get to heaven without being good

But they are PSYCHOPATHIC serial killers

So DO NOT try to reason it out or understand

They are evil and must GO!!!!


Once they are gone

It will be rare for people to become psychopaths

And there will be NO SUPPORT system

For them to hide it.

Free mental health for all

Peace, dancing and music in the streets.


I recommend Kizomba

Which can be danced to lots of different music

But I like this one…