Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 1:29 a.m. No.2830070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0076 >>0295


I stumbled across a few things that back this theory, you have… Remember the posts about follow the money… one of the places it led me was a hit on 15 million and Banco de Mexico, that got me thinking about the term "private auction"… I'm a mess otherwise I would have more about this to share, but there's something fishy about Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings that has me wondering about authenticity… His artwork is unique in that the paint is ridiculously thin compared to literally every other artist ever… Almost as if they were printed… Who else uses high tech printing?? Who sets the value of these paintings anyway?? Can value be manipulated?? Artwork has always been really big with these elites..

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 1:49 a.m. No.2830118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0137


I'm kinda new around these parts… What's your take on the Michigan Meteor?? That happened while I was just learning about Q… I'm from Michigan… I heard the BOOM, which was pretty scary because I've seen many a meteor in my day, but I never heard any… This one, I didn't see… but I heard and felt the shock wave…


Anyway, I bring it up because I'm also curious if anyone noticed the 119 startup timestamp on the last video Q posted… Made me think back to "Remember THIS DAY"… I do, very well, due to the emotionally scarring experience after two weeks of Q and some rather alarming Defcon Missile alerts… So, I decided to go back to Jan 19… Found some relevant posts… Got a rather BIG 555 confirmation from above… Sorry if this was mentioned already, but it's not a mark on the clock, however I do feel like it is very relevant considering the starting time on the video, the mirroring of 9/11 (btw , Mich Meteor was 1/16… flip upside down…911) and the date the video was posted was Nov 19, so again with the 1's and 9's… Also, when does a bird sing?? Songbird just passed a week ago… Then we have my one of my favs with [4AM Talking Points] & Judgement Day… The list goes on…

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.2830193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0199 >>0237


Thanks, fren!! I'm still new around these parts, but I have an abstract way of thinking, along with some tasty pieces of the bigger puzzle that may take some time and patience to deliver… but I think I've been lurking long enough, to where I can start start to actually contribute to the team!! We're going to have a lot of fun :)

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 2:51 a.m. No.2830244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0250


Highly-Unorganized Anon reporting for duty!!

So, I'm trying to find the site where I got the Randy Quaid connection, but seems relevant with considering Q posting Randy today… After Heath Ledger was killed, Randy started to speak out in fear for his life… There's some interesting connections behind Ledger's death… the drug overdose theory got me thinking back to River Pheonix :( Children of God stuff aside ): and his alleged drug overdose outside of the Viper Room… Totally a satanic sacrifice, IMO… Heath's co-star in Imaginarium of Dr. Parnasiuss (:don't mind my spelling errors :) was To Waits, co-owner of Viper Room, along with Johnny Depp… who was also in the film filling in some of the parts that Ledger had yet to finish, or whatever their 'official story' was… Anyway, it's a saucy region to dive into…

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 3:02 a.m. No.2830261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0285


Do you really want to go down this rabbit hole tonight?? Answers get scary…How well do you know your Bible?? Why is there such a disconnect between what was going on back then and what we experience today?? What if I told you that someone tried to explain all the mysteries to us a long time ago?? What if I told you that [someone] hid those answers from us?? What if someone later asked certain questions that explained some of the crazier things that took place in the Bible?? What if he, too, was rejected and attacked by the mainstream?? This may have to wait, but hopefully these will help you find answers… Some of us are here to drop crumbs…….

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.2830281   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm no Morse code buff, myself, but if it did have a code, I think we would have to slow the video down to read it… I tried to warch it to catch a pattern, but the strobe effect makes me feel like I'm ready to have a seizure…

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 3:35 a.m. No.2830344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0363


I studied world religions a bit… along with some other critical fields of study as well… I'm no expert in any one field, but definitely not limited in my thinking… neither was Velikovsky!! He was open to listening to myths and legends of ALL of the ancient cultures, and applied science and reasoning along the way, to reveal some very interesting things… Yes, many of the events of the Bible did happen… but some things are lost along the way… Definitely not taking a standard approach on this…


Hey, how far is the nearest star?? How far is the next?? Why is this relevant?? Is there meaning behind symbols like "the Eye in the Sky"??


You're talking about shifting to alternate dimensions and aliens… I'm asking if you understand our dimension well enough before you leave… I'm not here to push any agenda, but I can guide to certain things, if you seek answers… It's gonna take time to process…

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 4:14 a.m. No.2830472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0478 >>0483 >>0558


Alright… I don't want to fill up the bread too much… Thank You to the wonderful Bakers!! Sorry, I got no Bewbs to flash… :(


Since we had some BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG drops today, maybe I should start with the BIG Bang… What is a cult?? "In the beginning" (:oh, they have all the answers!!)… Start asking questions, and you will see that they really don't know what they are talking about… start researching more and you will realize that some people did know the truth about things, yet their evidence was suppressed…


I'm not a flat earther or a "muh aliens" person… I understand the spiritual sides of things, but I also believe that we live in a very real world… One in which more truth has been hidden than told… I'll be lurking and dropping as we go… I often run 24-30 hour days, but I tend to prefer night shift… I don't want to say anything that will cause panic, so I have to tip-toe around certain subjects out of Respect for Q Team… It's going to take time to process these things, but if you want more homework, ask yourself, "What is the cause of Gravity??" and see if you can find a good answer from mainstream science…

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 4:23 a.m. No.2830515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0521


Sorry, I got caught up in side discussions, buuuuut… if you don't know, Q Team is AWESOME!!! (: I don't want to get into the details, but know that "You and you're families are safe!!" :)

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.2830581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0589 >>0678


Religion is simply a way of life… No one ever said the answers were hidden… I understand Gravity better now, but it's not from the M.O.N.D… ask yourself why they had to spend fortunes to discover certain things that Homer Simpson already knew… Homer wasn't the first either… Gravity is not the primary force in the universe…


There's a lot of thing in mainstream science that are based entirely on assumptions.. You have to look at the foundations and ask the right questions… If you are ready for physics, let's step it up a notch… Is the Universe expanding or contracting?? Did they ever solve that riddle?? What happens when galaxies merge?? how do things react?? Violent collisions?? How does a star form?? Chaos or order?? Is there order IN the chaos?? What is a Beginning?? What is an end?? What is infinity?? Does that scare you or comfort you?? At what point do you accept "not knowing"?? If you fly to close to the sun, you get burned… What happens when the sun flies to close to you?? How far is too close?? Things to ask along the way… You're going to want to know space if you wish to understand the meaning behind their symbols…

Anonymous ID: 6800ac Sept. 1, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.2830706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0711 >>0728


Someone has a lot of homework to do… :)

Like I said, I'll be around, frens!!

I like games!! But understand..,

There are somethings I cannot/will not say…

Truth does belong with the people..,

but not at a price we cannot afford… Tip Toe…