Anonymous ID: b76258 Sept. 1, 2018, 5:09 a.m. No.2830686   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


REVEALED: Boeing passenger jets used falsely-certified metal from scandal-hit company Kobe Steel


Kobe Steel is in the center of a firestorm after it was revealed employees had been falsifying data about the quality of aluminum and copper

Boeing has used Kobe Steel products in its passenger jets but does not yet consider the issue a safety problem

The revelation may raise compensation costs for the Japanese company

At least 200 companies have been affected by the scandal


By Reuters


Published: 22:10 EDT, 12 October 2017 | Updated: 15:29 EDT, 13 October 2017



These peo>>567493

ple are stupid.

Wait for Russia/China reports.



Strike 99999999.





1 of 5.


2 of 5.

What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken?

What if Hussein knew and authorized?


How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term?


What if his name we donโ€™t say organized the deal?

The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.

AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder.

AMERICA has been weakened on purpose.

The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable.

Pure EVIL.

HELL on earth - HRC victory.