Anonymous ID: cb40cf Sept. 1, 2018, 2:18 a.m. No.2830171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0177 >>0195 >>0207


your post gets into a thorny issue that to many Anons is harder to wrap their heads around than even the grotesque Satanic Ritual Abuse stuff.


And that is the necessity to do a flag re-design as part of MAGA. To purge it of the dark occult symbolism from the Tribe of Dan, British East India company, witchcraft, etc.


Not just the USA flag, but also most state flags, will need to be redesigned. Part of the red pill we're swallowing is that the elite occultists were using the flags we've been taught to revere as a way of mocking us.

Anonymous ID: cb40cf Sept. 1, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.2830423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0432


This article is highly recommended reading on the issue of White Rabbit symbolism in the cabal/satanic circle.


"Part 76 - The Sodomite Gateway - Alice in Wonderland's Orange Marmala"


It agrees with your theory in large part. The idea in the article is that White Rabbits are those who kidnap/seduce/cajole kids who are then ritually sodomized. The horror of the trauma causes them to dissociate and their mental space during the trauma is called 'Wonderland'.

Anonymous ID: cb40cf Sept. 1, 2018, 4:39 a.m. No.2830567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0608


thanks, been a while since I looked at this guy's material.


my sense of it… based on things the RAND Corp was doing with quantum computing in the 90s… is that quantum computers are subtle enough (in terms of their ability to have their inner parts manipulated by beings only slightly present physically in our universe) that a discarnate consciousness (could be an 'alien', a 'demon', an 'angel' if you will) can temporarily occupy the quantum computer and interface with 3D reality through it.


The RAND guys in South Africa were having all sorts of entities come through on their system. I'm told that 'black goo' is one of the ingredients that makes the quantum computer a suitable interface for these beings.