Good morning anons and Qteam. I've been dropping crumbs for yall on this for a long time, but that recently posted email is a big conf of my position. What follows is an old copypasta of mine:
"I've spent years since being the man with the boots kicking doors down trying to pursue the truth of the global big picture.
I am increasingly convinced, by following the evidence, that the primary instigator against the US has been the British elite. (Not ignoring the Vatican/Jesuit, other issues though) I'm going to skip the citations which often bog down and just give the summary.
In essence, the monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, and supranational bankers never forgave the US for the revolution, and recognize that as the only country founded on the principles of indivdualism and natural rights, it is the primary threat to their desire for a centralized new world order of globalism (that will be painted as a benign savior, but they will control it from the shadows). Therefore, the United States is the primary target of the NWO now that we have successfully toppled almost every opposition country in the world. These people think and work on much longer time-frames, so delays may happen (for example, Wesley Clark's 7 nation list was supposed to happen in 5 years, but it took ~17), but rest assured, once we are over extended enough, weak enough, probably through the last few wars that "need" to happen, the real attack on the US will begin. Syria is only a precursor for Iran war. Korea is the precursor for China war. Muslim extremists in southeast asia are likely to be the warmup for both of those. Instead of being a relative cakewalk though, as Afghanistan and Iraq were, this time the design will be similar to the Brisbane line "bleed-out" strategy. Vietnam level KIA/WIA, in order to get rid of our hardest combat men, most likely while escalating the miltarism of the police and other domestic agencies in preperation."
See attached.