Anonymous ID: d61e95 META/NAV/FREQ Sept. 1, 2018, 6:24 a.m. No.2831152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1203 >>1221 >>1333

Hi anons.


Jumper here.


I can explain to some of you the properties of metaphysics, jumping timlines, navigate the frequencies and some of the howto navigate this realm.


As some of you know it goes so deep that at some point you will ask how can this be?


The properties of the human body and it ability to comprehend, analyze and understand info will become clearer.


Learn, unlearn = know.

What this means is that you now do not use the brain in a logical manner as many of those things is NOT comprehensible by the brain and it synapses.


The earlier you start the easier it will become.

That is one of thee main reasons recruits are "taken" from a very young age.


Some of the ones that can do "most" have not known the planet or the human emotional programming as most others have come to know it.


I leave you with this and it is up to you to do the digging.

  1. Astral travel. (Frequencies, vibrations and energy )

  2. The numbers 3,6 and 9.

  3. Mandela effect

  4. Spooky action at a distance/Quantum entanglements - As small = as big. What happens in the supernanoscale is also happening at out level of size.

  5. Quantum tunneling = Jump from 1 location to another.

  6. Magic is a really "monkey" way to explain it but it are not untrue as matter of perception goes.

  7. Time aspects. = Time does not exist. Why? Because; The future is happening at the same time a decision is made. Intent. Past is only a memory; An imprint on synapses and control the flow of how information is percieved and analysed.


It is a really hard concept to explain in human words.

Once longer you have gone trough the steps of initiations the harder it is to explain it in words.


Those things are all happening at the same time when a person is moving around, taking decisions and thinking/interacting with this 3D world.


Trust me on this; You can never FULLY grasp it if you do not do the experiments thyselfes.


Reading it and somewhat understanding the concept is 1 thing.. But getting it in all three (3) steps is the most important. (3 6 and 9)


By the fourth = learning it to someone else you have another leveling of understanding and freQ/vib response.


Some are so good they can do unbelievable things.. You just would not believe it.


Just know this; Every single outcome is in play when something is going down. Every.Single.One.

What reality comes to a factual reality for everybody hinges on several Key aspects of things.


This is not a game.

Anonymous ID: d61e95 META Sept. 1, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.2831272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1294 >>1330

Sry I do not know how to "reply" on a comment.




You can read until the end of time (pun intended) and not get it.

You can somewhat understand it.. the concepts.

But you will NEVER be able to GO there urself.

Actually GO there.


As the universes are not a "hard" thing it can be shifted.. mended and broken.


You do not know that you do not know comes into play often.


What I mean by experiments is you have to be able to actually not giving a single shit and do experiments on your own thoughs, the patterns they go by and physical things you do.

Habits, decisions you normally make, things you say and most importantly learn how to solve the riddle of paradoxes in speech.


Once you speak and write with no paradoxes in the words and sentence buildup you have come far.

The reason for this: Think "at first it was the word".

Once you eliminate the paradoxes you are not creating the thing you dont want.

You only creating the things you actually DO want and if you do something wrong along the lines you do not get that what you do not want. You are always left with the single outcome you wanted.


Pradoxes is very important.


Do ur own experiments and not long after you will see subtle shifts taking place around you.


Mind you there are greater powers at play also.

Anonymous ID: d61e95 META Sept. 1, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.2831344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1479



Many concepts of this realm are very.. stupid in higher frequencies.


It relates somewhat to people or individuals that can always make their own light/energy.

And do not have the need for someone else to give/bring them it.


Think zombies. It is a matephorical theme of people unable to get their own light. Unable to be alone. Unable to be secure in their own skin etc.


Many many things are actually right in the smack onfront of you.

But since it is a free will universe (For the most part) you cant just get this without activly searching for the information.


Many many many things and most of them are explained in metaphorical states. Monkeys. Zombies. Mountain. Jungle. etc etc


Once you grasp the basic concepts you will start to notice more and more of those things. Also the symbols used by the "higher" ups.

Btw many of them have been so duped they dont even want to know anymore.


How is it free will?


If it was only love(light) would it be free will?


If it was ONLY dark(hate) would it be free will?




It HAS to be both sides for it to be free will.. so that YOU can make that choice everyday.

That is what it is when you cook it down enough to the most basic principles and are left with only 1 question.


You choose everyday, with every action and word what you want to grow in this world.


Bubble universes are also made everyday by most.

If you can solve the riddle on how to eliminate them you become one. That is a serious thing.

Anonymous ID: d61e95 META Sept. 1, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.2831422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1439

There are different levels of understanding.

Different levels of existence.

Different levels of vibrations.

Different levels of perception.

Different levels of understanding of it all.


It all has to be merged with one.

that can take a while.


I can not dig for you.


Read prev post and start googling.

The answers will be there.


Quantum math is a start.

Ho to raise freq/Vib in body is a start.

Ho to eliminate nag thoughpatterns is a start. (You really think they will let you into heaven with hate and greed in you controlled by Ego?)

How to eliminate EGO.

How to Control the elimination of EGO.

transcendental meditation and why do it the same time every day?

Why the Same exact time to the minute every day?

Why do the elite do this?


Learn how to eliminate alternate timelines.

Learn how to control the flow of energy.


Be a pawn..




Start living..


There is a universe inside you

Other universes wants to connect


They are all over




You do not see


Not yet

Anonymous ID: d61e95 META Sept. 1, 2018, 7 a.m. No.2831497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Do only select individuals understand 1-7 and experience the effects of this?"


"1. Astral travel. (Frequencies, vibrations and energy )


  1. The numbers 3,6 and 9.


  1. Mandela effect


  1. Spooky action at a distance/Quantum entanglements - As small = as big. What happens in the supernanoscale is also happening at out level of size.


  1. Quantum tunneling = Jump from 1 location to another.


  1. Magic is a really "monkey" way to explain it but it are not untrue as matter of perception goes.


  1. Time aspects. = Time does not exist. Why? Because; The future is happening at the same time a decision is made. Intent. Past is only a memory; An imprint on synapses and control the flow of how information is percieved and analysed."


No. Many many on this planet are doing it all the time.


It depends on the nature of your heart and mind what you can and cannot do.


You go trough initiates to open those doors.

And not before you do it right will it open for you.


Think higher self. It does exist..


As the future already exist when a desicion is made.. you will get guidance along the way.


The longer and harder you commit depends of the type of guidance you will recieve.


Many people knows many parts of that 1-7.

some knows more.

A select few knows it all and those you have never heard of and you most probably can never find them unless you are a master yourself and have information that leads to that 1 (one) string that gets to them.


It is scary at first.. Some commit suicide when they start this.


After a while it gets fun.

I miss the old times sometimes..

But this is what he wanted.