Hi anons.
Jumper here.
I can explain to some of you the properties of metaphysics, jumping timlines, navigate the frequencies and some of the howto navigate this realm.
As some of you know it goes so deep that at some point you will ask how can this be?
The properties of the human body and it ability to comprehend, analyze and understand info will become clearer.
Learn, unlearn = know.
What this means is that you now do not use the brain in a logical manner as many of those things is NOT comprehensible by the brain and it synapses.
The earlier you start the easier it will become.
That is one of thee main reasons recruits are "taken" from a very young age.
Some of the ones that can do "most" have not known the planet or the human emotional programming as most others have come to know it.
I leave you with this and it is up to you to do the digging.
Astral travel. (Frequencies, vibrations and energy )
The numbers 3,6 and 9.
Mandela effect
Spooky action at a distance/Quantum entanglements - As small = as big. What happens in the supernanoscale is also happening at out level of size.
Quantum tunneling = Jump from 1 location to another.
Magic is a really "monkey" way to explain it but it are not untrue as matter of perception goes.
Time aspects. = Time does not exist. Why? Because; The future is happening at the same time a decision is made. Intent. Past is only a memory; An imprint on synapses and control the flow of how information is percieved and analysed.
It is a really hard concept to explain in human words.
Once longer you have gone trough the steps of initiations the harder it is to explain it in words.
Those things are all happening at the same time when a person is moving around, taking decisions and thinking/interacting with this 3D world.
Trust me on this; You can never FULLY grasp it if you do not do the experiments thyselfes.
Reading it and somewhat understanding the concept is 1 thing.. But getting it in all three (3) steps is the most important. (3 6 and 9)
By the fourth = learning it to someone else you have another leveling of understanding and freQ/vib response.
Some are so good they can do unbelievable things.. You just would not believe it.
Just know this; Every single outcome is in play when something is going down. Every.Single.One.
What reality comes to a factual reality for everybody hinges on several Key aspects of things.
This is not a game.