Anonymous ID: 196218 Sept. 1, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.2831551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1606

"Do only select individuals understand 1-7 and experience the effects of this?"




"1. Astral travel. (Frequencies, vibrations and energy )


  1. The numbers 3,6 and 9.


  1. Mandela effect


  1. Spooky action at a distance/Quantum entanglements - As small = as big. What happens in the supernanoscale is also happening at out level of size.


  1. Quantum tunneling = Jump from 1 location to another.


  1. Magic is a really "monkey" way to explain it but it are not untrue as matter of perception goes.


  1. Time aspects. = Time does not exist. Why? Because; The future is happening at the same time a decision is made. Intent. Past is only a memory; An imprint on synapses and control the flow of how information is percieved and analysed."


No. Many many on this planet are doing it all the time.


It depends on the nature of your heart and mind what you can and cannot do.


You go trough initiates to open those doors.


And not before you do it right will it open for you.


Think higher self. It does exist..


As the future already exist when a desicion is made.. you will get guidance along the way.


The longer and harder you commit depends of the type of guidance you will recieve.


Many people knows many parts of that 1-7.


some knows more.


A select few knows it all and those you have never heard of and you most probably can never find them unless you are a master yourself and have information that leads to that 1 (one) string that gets to them.


It is scary at first.. Some commit suicide when they start this.


After a while it gets fun.


I miss the old times sometimes..


But this is what he wanted.

Anonymous ID: 196218 Sept. 1, 2018, 7:06 a.m. No.2831564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1668 >>1690 >>1699

">>2831344 (You)


So you're saying that we have our own Light/Energy, okay that's a fact that i already know.


How is free will ? In my personal opinion is when you're able to see what's 'good' or whats 'bad', when you can see clearly the diference.


To much people told me that i have 'so much energy'


Be yourself, thats the answer to the riddle i think…


Being myself is trying to help the posible on the people i truly belive that they deserve.


But how that helps us the human kind ? I feel better i help 'the enough', but bad if i try to help to much, because ( in my case ) there's always treason with those people."


It is a free will here also.

Do not give help if it is not asked for.

Then you mess up that persons timeline somewhat.

Did they not ask for it? Why help? You think you are smarter? you KNOW you are? Why? that is ego.

They may have another thoughtprosess of doing things.

Free will must be applied in it all.


Helping is good if it is asked for.

If not do not do anything.

(By a certain degree)

Also think butterfly effect.


Also some initiates are good as masking good intent with bad ones. Watch out for that one.


Thing harry potter and the uni.

(Yes it is stupid)


This does indeed exist.


Many levels, Many plans of existence.


Read; The Kabylion. A good source for basic.

Anonymous ID: 196218 META Sept. 1, 2018, 7:12 a.m. No.2831636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1657 >>1721

"It's not that we make our own energy, we earn it. By our choices. We show our intent and desire by the path we choose. Every breath, every day.


How to separate the wheat from the chaff?


See who chooses not to lie.


I love the Maker of the Math, my Father."




This is what you are told to believe. You have to earn it.. like a worker bee.


Get this; From where does a star get the energy?

From where does the center point of the universe get the energy?


Ever heard of Zero-Point Energy?


That Zero-Point can be you.


When you are this single point you are free.


You do not have to Give to get.

You ARE.


That is the freedom.


THEN and only then will you break free of the shackles.

You think a rich person give as much as he gets?



What is currency? Dollars? or vibraions?

What is money? Work? Of frequency?

Anonymous ID: 196218 Sept. 1, 2018, 7:22 a.m. No.2831724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1854 >>1857 >>1968 >>2182

"So, if this seems surreal and spooky to me then my soul isn't on this journey. As much as I seek to be a better person (higher self, )seek guidance from others, and keep my mind and heart open to possibilities, my fate must not be to exisist at this level."


There is two things as to why.


  1. You do not know and it can be scary.

  2. The ego senses the lust for this knowledge and give you shit to steer you off.


FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real.

get it?


What scares you is the path to freedom. Usually..

Just dont jump of a cliff.


So start reading.
























The book of the Dead from Egypt has lots of info on how to do it.

You must read it as a metaphor for things.


The path to freedom lies with you. And not one other person.


Wording is spelling. (spells)


Spelling is a contract.


Yes is a contract that you agree on said contract. What do you say YES on?


NO breeak a contract. When do you say no?


Is a white lie allowed?

Anonymous ID: 196218 META Sept. 1, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.2831991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2085

So it goes somewhat liek this;


Many future timelines can happen.


Imma break it down in three main themes;


  1. Evil reigns.. hate greed and slaves.

why? You force someone to do something they did not want to do. Shifting their own future to your own will. little by little you are now in their car (universe) as a pawn.

  1. make knowledge easy to understand and break it down to easy concepts so people and the masses can consiously choose what they will do. Not giving help unless asked for.


it teaches humbleness, honesty (of i cant do this and need help)

and it is a basic free will decision.

  1. chaossystem. no control of timelines, wars here. Peace there. And somewhat in the middle.


That is why Q never TELLS you to think anything.



It is not according to the laws of free will.

So he is honoring the highest order of things.

Constantly say; Think for THY self. Do YOUR OWN BIDDING etc.


But as always you have to stay vigilant..

Stay critical.

A good MK Ultra knows how to play this.


A good manipulator (Devil) knows how to play the tunes.


So as this transpires in motion always look for the evidence.

And most importantly try and see how the future will be in a positive way.


In heaven.. how do we interact?


Are we not here to create it?

We are


So what do we do up there?

And how do we bring it down here?


NO violence.

NO hate.

NO corruption.


Only understanding.

Anonymous ID: 196218 META Sept. 1, 2018, 7:51 a.m. No.2832167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2264



If my higher self knows all this?

How did it get to hat point?


Was it because you had a good time on earth?

Probably not.


Was it because you had a shitty time? a REAL shitty time?

Most likely.


A smooth sea does NOT make a skilled sailor.

A rough AF sea does that.


So when you step into the initiations the words is usually yet to come.




Because the higher self is a badass timeline jumper, He can create anything anywhere, He can see the devils in the air, He can shift sntire lives in an instant.


You can astral travel.

Lie down meditate - Float to another place/world.


Much like DMT only without it.


With meditation and the higher u vibrate the more DMT does the lungs, heart and brain produce thus giving you the ability to see, experience and do things you normally could not do.

Fear breaks off all that.

Hate is not as good as love, it is faster but not as good.

Love takes a while to get perfected.

Love = Frequency/Vibrations.

Again the numbers 3 6 and 9 comes into play.


Vortex math.


Once you start you can have a set thing for you and the "master/mentor" as to what means no and what means yes.

They cant interfere with the 3d density as it is to much shit in it so they cant come here.


Why do you only see lights in the sky sometimes and it is a ufo?

What is it?

Why a triangle?


Search for the DRAMA triangle.

Is that a mental block hundreds of millions have imprinted.



This is not a game as Q famously said.