As a Romanian born American I am praying to God that soon MAGA will be MWGA. I was amazed when I saw POTUS right after the Inauguration in mid January 2017 receiving Romania's president KI at the WH while the Deep State Coup was raging on! Please, Q, remember how deeply the Romanian people has always been on America's side no matter what and who was trampling them, Hitler, Stalin or Brejnev, then Ceausescu. Right now my heart bleeds when I see how Soros' Romanian Deep State has forced the best 6 millions of Romanians to look go work abroad while they rub blind that beautiful country. I saw a posting listing Poland and Romania as CIA Black sites!!! That country and its people and its Christian princes using the Danube and the Carpathians mountains, which form a circle as a natural fortress, have defended the gates of Christendom for the last 1000 years against the advancing Islam. My true hope is that the American Forces which are now in Romania will NEVER leave!