Anonymous ID: fba62f Sept. 1, 2018, 7:27 a.m. No.2831780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1809 >>1948

Rabbit art = Katrina tribute

Katrina = missing persons

Missing persons = opportunity for sex traffic


Rabbits breed fast

White rabbits are Caucasian sex slaves




We are continuing a limited investigation of the nonparental abductions of US children by Saudi princes. We have interviewed past Saud family palace domestic slaves who have been assigned to care for child sex slaves primarily kidnapped from the US and Northern Europe. It seems procedurally after being routinely processed by the Saudi Arabian Government upon entry the children are immediately brought to the respective palace where they are indoctrinated through a brainwashing practice. The suborning technique through a system of rewards and punishments includes US child sex slaves being given a Saudi name while their US name and religious beliefs are expunged from their mind. If the children use their US name or religious beliefs at any time thereafter, they are severely reprimanded with further conditioning. In tandem, the US State Department policy is that it refuses to investigate US child sex slaves within Middle East unless they are given the US name of the child. We have seen an example of this US State Department policy in issue #13 (US child sex slave mystery on the Nile).


who else practices torture based mind control?