Anonymous ID: 0b8100 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.2832541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2617 >>2724 >>2824

McCrap's choreographing of his own funeral surely is his last joke on America


For a "former POW" McCrap showed no respect whatsoever for other MIA/POWs


mccain exposed by vets and pows


(excerpts from the video)

"I'll tell ya. What's not said on the television – and will not be said on the television – is how much Vietnam veterans and POWs hate John McCain.


Nov 1992 – Sen. John McCain opposes Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs


statements are from Senate Staff, Senators, POWs and POW/MIA family groups


"The Senate felt compelled to set up the Select Committee. It took them 9 months to set up the committee – namely because of the opposition of Senator McCain. He was bitterly opposed to any attempt to find the POWs, which is remarkable seeing as he was a POW himself."


"Under no instance would he ever, ever give in and say that a POW was left behind. And my first question was, 'how would he know or not know?' So, just that which was reasonable, he never exhibited. And I don't know why. Maybe it's a guilt complex. Maybe he promised the Vietnamese something. OK. I don't know what it is. Maybe he actually believes that, and that would be the saddest of all."


"He probably did more harm to the idea of trying to get the truth out than any other single person, through the efforts that he did to block the release of classified intelligence dealing with the POW/MIA problem."


"McCain stepped in and in effect made it harder to get documentation. That certainly hurt us because we had hoped for a massive release of documentation."


"Many, many documents were held back for no reason, and our goal on the Committee was to just dump this stuff – declassify it – literally – to the public. But, of course, they withheld information from the Committee. The U.S. Government withheld all kinds of information from the Committee. I know that for a fact."


"We were wanting to check HIS background, cuz a lot of POWs that were with him in that camp said he was a collaborator of the enemy. He didn't want nobody looking into his background in the camp – what went on in that camp. That stuff is still classified so nobody could see it, and he just had it classified forever. So nobody will ever look at it."


A bill had been drawn up that would penalize any bureaucrat that lied about those records, and McCain fought tooth and nail to protect them – because the bureacrats were protecting HIM. In the end it was so watered down that it was a worthless bill.

HR 3603 Truth Accountability Bill – the House voted 401-0 for the bill, with every single Republican sponsoring it, and a third of the Democrats


Then, the Vietnamese gave Kerry's family SOLE RIGHTS to negotiate real estate issues.

A book was written about Kerry "Burying the Truth" about MIA/POWs

Anonymous ID: 0b8100 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:32 a.m. No.2832724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2790



democracy now report on mccain and POW/MIA issue

with Pulitzer-winning journalist Sydney Schanberg, his article in The Nation

part 1

It is believed that the North VietCong kept records of McCain,

some believe McCain promised them to work for normalization of relations if those records were squashed by them

Interesting background on the negotiations to get our soldiers out.

Nixon / Kissinger refused to pay the ransom. France had paid ransom, got their men.

(The number of men left behind is 1000 to 2500.)


part 2

Ever since, there has been a huge cover up. Families organized to put pressure on gov.

The code name for the vault where these MIA/POW records are kept is "Hotel California."

McCain fought to be Chairman of the Senate committee looking into this.

It didn't happen. He fought just to be ON THE COMMITTEE. He wanted to control it.

Kerry wanted to normalize relations with Vietnam, so he and McCain had similar goals.

There had been a deal made.

Ross Perot had inside information on MIA/POWs and got involved.

McCain managed to keep the bill from passing that required release of all information.

He constantly used his "PATRIOTISM" as his negotiating leverage with everything.

Anonymous ID: 0b8100 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.2832824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2898 >>2915 >>2932



John SOB McCrap doesn't deserve public accolades

He rightfully should have been in jail long ago.

He should have been censured in the Senate for his mistreatment of POWs and their families who came to him for help – who had worked for years to get news of their men


and got nothing but tears and accusations in return for their prayers


Here is a bad audio version of McCrap

badgering the MIA/POW group's leader

bringing her to tears

(looking for the long version of this outrageous scene)

He's a pig

Anonymous ID: 0b8100 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:46 a.m. No.2832898   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Here's the story of how McCrap assaulted the family member of an MIA soldier

gives you an idea of what a shit the man really is

mentally unstable; known for his temper

DC police refused to acknowledge their report

McCrap used his power in the worst of ways