Anonymous ID: 93c58b Sept. 1, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.2832483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2546

Q, your last few posts have been good. But your post implying that there won't be FULL DISCLOSURE was NOT good. I see you mentioned god again in a recent post. Ask yourself what god would want you to do. Would god approve of you keeping the WHOLE TRUTH from the public? What is it that they say in courts - "…the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god."


There have been other posts by you that in my opinion weren't good. Like the one you posted in reply to someone saying something like "make freemasonry great again".


If WORLD PEACE is to be achieved, there can be no secrets, no secret societies and no religions either (no "Abrahamic" religions at least). God did not create religion. You do not have to be religious to believe that god exists and truly can see all and hear all (a LOT better than humans).


If you disclose the whole truth many common people from all over the world may volunteer and you may not have to rely on the military.