Anonymous ID: c14a51 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:33 a.m. No.2832736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, white hats, if the general public WW knew the truth of the Satanic pedophilia, child trafficking, child torture and cannibalism, I'm sure you'd be being asked why you have sat on this information for so long and why it's still allowed to go on. As things stand, I doubt the evidence will ever fully be released to preserve the Republic and for national security. Pizzagate and Pedogate will remain conspiracy theories just like the JFK assassination - the full documentation of which I doubt we will see any time soon, let alone justice. Podesta, HRC, BHO, and all the other traitors will have their crimes buried and will remain innocent or heroes in the WW general public's consciousness for decades to come. For shame. Vincit Omnia Veritas - truth conquers all - except when it doesn't because it is not allowed to have its day. At this pace, we will not get the truth about the space fleet any time soon because it was begot by the betrayal of humanity nor will we be told by you about other dimensions and star nations. Behind the scenes and at the top the USA, Russia and the UK have worked together for decades yet you say that some things have to remain to preserve the Republic. Trust is earned not demanded. Tell us the FULL TRUTH for it conquers all and will the world free. Every day you do not you become complicit in the crimes against children still going on.

Anonymous ID: c14a51 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.2832755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2765

Q, white hats, if the general public WW knew the truth of the Satanic pedophilia, child trafficking, child torture and cannibalism, I'm sure you'd be being asked why you have sat on this information for so long and why it's still allowed to go on. As things stand, I doubt the evidence will ever fully be released to preserve the Republic and for national security. Pizzagate and Pedogate will remain conspiracy theories just like the JFK assassination - the full documentation of which I doubt we will see any time soon, let alone justice. Podesta, HRC, BHO, and all the other traitors will have their crimes buried and will remain innocent or heroes in the WW general public's consciousness for decades to come. For shame. Vincit Omnia Veritas - truth conquers all - except when it doesn't because it is not allowed to have its day. At this pace, we will not get the truth about the space fleet any time soon because it was begot by the betrayal of humanity nor will we be told by you about other dimensions and star nations. Behind the scenes and at the top the USA, Russia and the UK have worked together for decades yet you say that some things have to remain buried to preserve the Republic. Trust is earned not demanded. Tell us the FULL TRUTH for it conquers all and will set the world free. Every day you do not you become complicit in the crimes against children still going on.