Anonymous ID: cc5d1f Sept. 1, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.2832553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2625

>>2831628 (pb)


None of those people are 'happy and normal', no matter what smiling faces they put on in public. Their whole world is collapsing and they are VERY nervous about being exposed for the evil criminals that they are. They have to be worried because POTUS is reversing everything that they did and more and more shit is slowly coming out.


They are all together in this. They have to keep lying, and acting calm, and pretending that all is well. The only one who seems to have totally lost it in public is Brennan. As more stuff is revealed others will go the No Name route and kill themselves too. The stakes are extremely high. They have everything to lose. No Name is my best example of this theory.


For a long time No Name also looked contented as though he didn't have a care in the world. He was travelling all over the world and bad-mouthing POTUS, and constantly shitting up the vote. Remember he claimed to have miraculously gotten a break from the cancer and came out of the hospital to screw up the vote on Obamacare. All that that evil mofo had done over the years finally caught up with him though, and it was so egregious that the white hats HAD to break him. I knew he was done when Q posted that the cabal's easy access to the Arizona border had been cut.


Q isn't going to tell us the details about No Name's departure because he feels it is in the national interest that No Name's shit remain buried with No Name. But if you carefully read the drops you will find that Q posted many, many hints about No Name's treason and other crimes. Its all there. We DO have more than we know.


Here's my theory on the final fate of No Name: He was told to leave the Senate and he refused, so he was targeted for removal. He was likely discretely arrested and told that he will be publicly exposed and charged with numerous crimes—of which there is an overabundance of evidence—on a certain date. This is how Q could predict the date on which No Name would be dead. They knew that No Name would cowardly choose to end his own life and be worshipped as a hero in death rather than be publicly exposed and humiliated as a traitor. Q must have had knowledge of this ultimatum months ago because Q knew (and posted here) that No Name would publicly use his health as an excuse to leave office in the near future). Just as Q said, No Name would be returning to the news. How did he do it? I suspect quietly…either took cyanide pills or had somebody inject him with something deadly so it would happen quickly. That is the part that we will never know for sure.

And it is likely we will see more suicide weekends. Many more. Q predicted this as well in post #541, #1320, #1431, #1445.


I do believe that there is much more happening behind the scenes than we can see. This REALLY is like a movie. All that you see when you watch is the characters acting in a frame against a totally fake background, reciting memorized lines and waiting foreach other's cues. And the performances are so realistic that they can affect our emotions. But pull back the camera a few feet and then the sound stage, the lights, the director, the sound guy, and dozens of other stage hands and equipment suddenly come into view. We were are all in a super-extravagant version of the Truman Show and being gaslit by the ridiculous media for decades.


Its taking a while but all of these people are going down. They all know it, too!

Anonymous ID: cc5d1f Sept. 1, 2018, 8:50 a.m. No.2832943   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is what it looks like when a person is blinded by arrogance. Hussein's day will come. No way they can take him down now. He would never be convicted of crimes in any civilian court and he knows it. That is the reason for the smug overconfident look on his face. He knows that shit is falling apart, but he seems to believe that his demon masters will protect him from what's coming.


There are two solutions for this guy: He will either be charged with treason during a state of Martial law and forced to face a military tribunal. Or, he will pull a No Name and commit suicide. Of course, there are other possibilities: Q did say that he will claim Kenyan citizenship and try to run. Will he be allowed to escape.? I don't know, but I seriously doubt it. What does Q know? Obviously that statement by Q means that they have already mapped out Hussein's future. Hussein doesn't have a future.