Sensible. Understood it all except "major drops of HT"
What's HT?
Better idea…while they're all there & the worlds watching them, good time to have some ops running elsewhere, that they only learn about once they leave
This is a movie, but it's not a game. A drone strike on US soil during the Trump Administration would be a little hard to explain away, no matter how it's spun, especially when doing everything by the book and not like the cabal would do is the goal here. WE probably need to flush out cabalish ways of thinking that they've made us think is normal since we're AWAKENING and all…
have some bits & pieces to start with (if not you, then someone)
I'm waiting for you to say something which is NOT childish…Maybe you can't do that, prove me wrong…
And stop believing that what you see on TV is real
Alice, the Queenpin