Anonymous ID: aa61db Sept. 1, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.2833121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3169 >>3253 >>3312 >>3383 >>3570 >>3708

Monarch Mind Control…spiritually based understanding of demonology.


Everything Q has been dropping…these people are Evil/Sick.

They are everywhere; no wonder Q cannot just arrest/execute all of them in one night

I only looked for a 'white rabbits' reference and stumbled upon it all.


White Rabbits…Controllers


This is about HOW the victim’s are controlled, and the programmers believe that the primary ingredient in the mind-control is demonology.


You can look at this in a secular way, or a spirtual way; it doesn't matter if you believe in demons/satan…these people DO.

That's the Evil/Sick part of all this.

There are lots of references to Q's drops in the link below…example:


"The slave is taught to get demonic power from jewellery which is given to them".

(chancal charm/necklace Pope/Gloria Vandrebilt photo)


Nazism: This is the White Rabit part, the controller, the de-humanization process.

Illuminati programmer Dr. Mengele, used puppets in a dollhouse as he programmed. He did skits with his puppets. "Dance Marionette dance," he’d say in his thick German accent. Pinocchio's story was used to name the spirit guide Jimney Cricket.


Along with rule no. 8, he taught the following rules at this point:


  1. Listen to your instructions


  1. There is no room for error


  1. "The Game Timer"–these were the specifics of how to move, the melted mirror, etc.


  1. There is a chain of command, the King’s men


  1. Your Master would chart your course


  1. You will receive orders, what to do, a memorized script to follow and fulfill


  1. The Creator and Master would always own you into infinity


  1. You are puppets on a string. "Dance Marionette dance. You are to speak only those words told to you, and to only speak those words when your string is pulled


  1. There is no room for questions


  1. The controller always plays the role of the White Rabbit.


I advise anons to look at the link and read it, I'd heard most of this before, but not read it all in one place and never really paid that much attention to it. Shit's different now; this is world wide, done on individuals and nations.

Anonymous ID: aa61db Sept. 1, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2833468   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It takes intuition. It takes a whole set of skills that almost all of us have. But most of all, it takes the courage to just step up and do it.

…She forgot the word 'Initiation'.