Anonymous ID: 776e29 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2834178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4185 >>4225

Q has said to trust Sessions, but do you think Sessions is going to still be around after midterms or do you think POTUS is going to bring in a new AG?

Do you think he would bring in Trey Gowdy to take over?


My thoughts: He is leaving his post because he wants to return to the justice system. He has expressed over and over and over this year that his group only has OVERSIGHT capabilities. They can only REFER to the justice department. How many referrals has he made? He was at the center of EVERYTHING related to HRC investigations and has never been "satisfied" with the outcomes. He is PISSED about what is happening or what happened. I think if he were appointed AG he would bring the hammer down along with Huber.

