Anonymous ID: eee55f Sept. 1, 2018, 10:42 a.m. No.2834501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4578

>>2827163 (pb) Q message

I'm guessing "White Rabbits" must be the babies they kill

Or the rabbits they kill in front of the children for the mind control / blackmail. The McMartin pre-school children testifies animals were killed in front of them and they were told if they spoke out their parents would be killed; or they would be killed.

>>2833622 (pb)

The most obvious crime of CNN were the CGI "planes" on 9/11

Easiest to prove too. Just so outlandish that even though it's right in everyone's face they can't see it. Also, the mental control of the News Media is so strong; even when people believe themselves to be skeptics, they still are influenced deeply by the Propaganda. for instance just yesterday a whole bread full of anons fell for the Fake Polls. Anons should know better.

>>2833367 (pb) notable

"Mad Hatter Day" October 6th

It's known among those who study weird coincidences as "Beheading Day"

Maybe "Hatter" is some kind of reference to the Head.

And in the book "Alice" there's a lot about being beheaded, as used to be done, in public, some hundreds of years ago, to the enemies of the royalty.

They are more subtle now, and arrange suicides with doorknobs and car explosions and plane crashes.

Why do they have to do that?

Plausible deniability

If the public found it out, they might have to stop.

It's dangerous for their overt violence to be exposed.

That's why they turned to Propaganda and Mind Control

St. Bruno-------October 6

Not sure why he was associated with decapitation

His statue shows him holding a head

October 6, 1101 =St. Bruno dies. [Feastday: October 6]

Can't find any sauce on it; just a rumor. And for now my notes on it are on another computer. Somebody else did most of the research.