Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.2834600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4626 >>4691 >>4886 >>5097 >>5170 >>5171 >>5240 >>5272

JUDICIAL WATCH: Unaccompanied Alien Children processed during Obama Admin included murderers, rapists, smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.


Judicial Watch released 224 pages of docs with ~1000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports from HHS revealing “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC) processed during the Obama Admin included murderers, rapists, smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.



(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 224 pages of documents containing nearly 1,000 summaries of Significant Incident Reports (SIRs) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealing that “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC) processed during the Obama administration included admitted murderers, rapists, drug smugglers, prostitutes, and human traffickers.


The documents, from the HHS Administration for Children and Families reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are for the approximate six-month period May to November 2014. They were produced to Judicial Watch after a three-year delay in response to a November 12, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking:


Any and all Significant Incident Reports (“SIRs”) and SIR Addenda, including but not limited to, Medical SIRs (both Emergency and Non-Emergency) and Medical SIR Addenda, submitted to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (“ORR”) for Unaccompanied Alien Children (“UACs”) from May 1, 2014 to the present.


To the extent any information may be contained in the SIRs or SIR Addenda that is considered exempt from disclosure under 5 (U.S.C. § 552(b)(6), all non-exempt, segregable portions of the reports should be provided.


  1. Any and all summary reports, which are derived from or based upon data contained in the SIRs, including daily, weekly, monthly or year-to-date reports, that were prepared by, provided to or are in the possession of the ORR.


The resulting documents show that, in fiscal year 2014, there were 24,680 Significant Incident Reports filed with Office of Refugee Resettlement.


Examples of incident reports below are organized into four general categories:


UACs admitting to murder, belonging to MS-13, threatening others with rape, admitting to drug smuggling, molesting other UACs and seriously assaulting other UACs or staff;

UACs who were raped and/or molested en route to the United States or in the United States;

U.S. Government contractors and employees allegedly assaulting or having sexual relationships with UACs; and

Other incidents, crimes, abuse and self-harm.


“The Obama administration presided over a humanitarian and public safety nightmare in its handling of ‘unaccompanied alien children,’” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The incident reports also support the Trump administration’s contention that the UAC crisis, which continues, includes murderers, rapists, drug smugglers and human traffickers being routinely allowed into the United States.”


Judicial Watch began investigating this matter in 2014 when a wave of “Unaccompanied Alien Children” swamped the southwest border. At that time, the controversial HHS contract with Baptist Children and Family Services to provide shelter to children at two military facilities came to light. Through that investigation, Judicial Watch learned that BCFS was providing consumer electronics as “essential” items to the children. Since that time, Judicial Watch has been investigating incidents of violence, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and other criminal activities, as well as whether innocent children were being abused while in U.S. shelters.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.2834629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141

Trump Slams Canada's "Decades Of Abuse", Warns Congress Not To Interfere In NAFTA Talks


President Trump said on Saturday there was no need to keep Canada in NAFTA, slammed the US neighbor's "decades of abuse" while warning Congress not to meddle with the trade negotiations or he would terminate the trilateral trade pact altogether one day after trade talks with Canada collapsed hours before a deadline.


"There is no political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal. If we don’t make a fair deal for the U.S. after decades of abuse, Canada will be out,” Trump tweeted on Saturday. "Congress should not interfere w/these negotiations or I will simply terminate NAFTA entirely & we will be far better off."


Late on Friday, Trump notified Congress of his intent to sign a bilateral deal with Mexico and would include Canada “if it is willing." On Monday, Trump unveiled a surprise bilateral deal with Mexico.


As discussed earlier, Trump’s notification of Congress that he planned to sign a deal with Mexico in 90 days appeared to avoid what many in the U.S. business community and Congress had seen as a worst-case scenario. But according to Bloomberg, Saturday’s tweets opened the door again to that outcome.


“We were far better off before NAFTA – should never have been signed. Even the Vat Tax was not accounted for. We make new deal or go back to pre-NAFTA!” Trump said.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.2834645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian Special Operations Forces Are Behind Zakharchenko’s Assassination: DPR Head Adviser


The assassination of Alexander Zakharchenko, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), was organized by the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces, the DPR head adviser Alexander Kazakov told the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik.


“We have already revealed the initiator — that is the Special Operations Forces. We are likely to name the head of the [assault] group and responsible officer of this structure in the near future,” Kazakov said.


According to Kazakov, several suspects have already been detained.


Meanwhile, a DPR military spokesman, Eduard Basurin, stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) may launch an offensive on the DPR on September 14.


“Our intelligence has revealed the deployment of a Ukrainian security forces’ combat group in the direction of Mariupol under the guise of Storm-2018 drills,” Basurin said adding that the information had been confirmed by data obtained from downed Ukrainian UAVs. “Our units are on high alert and are ready for any development, up to launching the counterattack in case of an enemy offensive.”

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2834686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269

Facebook Says Former British Ambassador Craig Murray Is “Russian Bot”, Deletes His Posts From July 2017


Former British Ambassador Craig Murray in his article entitled “Facebook Censorship, Mad Ben Nimmo and the Atlantic Council” writes (source):


Facebook has deleted all of my posts from July 2017 to last week because I am, apparently, a Russian Bot. For a while I could not add any new posts either, but we recently found a way around that, at least for now. To those of you tempted to say “So what?”, I would point out that over two thirds of visitors to my website arrive via my posting of the articles to Facebook and Twitter. Social media outlets like this blog, which offer an alternative to MSM propaganda, are hugely at the mercy of these corporate gatekeepers.


Facebook’s plunge into censorship is completely open and admitted, as is the fact it is operated for Facebook by the Atlantic Council – the extreme neo-con group part funded by NATO and whose board includes serial war criminal Henry Kissinger, Former CIA Heads Michael Hayden and Michael Morrell, and George Bush’s chief of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, among a whole list of horrors.


The staff are worse than the Board. Their lead expert on Russian bot detection is an obsessed nutter named Ben Nimmo, whose fragile grip on reality has been completely broken by his elevation to be the internet’s Witchfinder-General. Nimmo, grandly titled “Senior Fellow for Information Defense at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab”, is the go-to man for Establishment rubbishing of citizen journalists, and as with Joseph McCarthy or Matthew Clarke, one day society will sufficiently recover its balance for it to be generally acknowledged that this kind of witch-hunt nonsense was not just an aberration, but a manifestation of the evil it claimed to fight.


There is no Establishment cause Nimmo will not aid by labeling its opponents as Bots. This from the Heraldnewspaper two days ago, where Nimmo uncovers the secret web of Scottish Nationalist bots that dominate the internet, and had the temerity to question the stitch-up of Alex Salmond.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2834831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4886 >>4925 >>5097 >>5240 >>5272



High-tech medical equipment granted to Syria by Japanese Government


US-Backed Militants Attempted To Attack Palmyra From Al-Tanf

“Today, at 5:00 a.m. local time, 36 kilometers southeast of the city of Palmyra, clashes between Syrian government troops and a group of militants, who attempted to approach the city of Palmyra from the settlement of at-Tanf, took place… As a result of the clashes, two terrorists were killed, two more were detained and are being questioned,” the Russian center for reconciliation said in an official statement, according to the Russian new agency Sputnik.

“The militants’ objective was to conduct a series of terrorist attacks in the vicinity of the city of Palmyra and to ensure the passage of the main forces of about 300 militants to capture the city within the next week,” the Russian center for reconciliation said.


Weapons, munitions and medicines of terrorists’ remnants discovered in Quneitra countryside

SANA’s reporter said that the authorities found on Saturday large amounts of weapons, munitions, and medicines, some of which are Israeli and US made, left behind by the terrorists of Daesh(ISIS) and Jabhat al-Nusra in al-Maalaqah village and Jabata al-Khashab town in Quneitra countryside.


Al-Moallem: Liberating Idleb from terrorism is a priority, whether via reconciliation or military action

He noted that in order to protect civilians from the risks of military operations, a humanitarian corridor was opened at Abu al-Duhour Airport through which hundreds of families came from Idleb and headed to areas controlled by the Syrian Arab Army.

Al-Moallem said that factions that which to pursue settlement must declare their position and fulfil their obligations.

On the information indicating that an alleged chemical attack is being staged in Idleb by the White Helmets, the Minister said that the White Helmets have abducted scores of children and started to broadcast fake testimonies by them, and a number of chlorine gas containers were smuggled into areas controlled by the White Helmets by Jabhat al-Nusra and in cooperation with the British intelligence to stage a scenario to be broadcast to the world once the military operation begins in Idleb.


Army continues to eradicate remnants of Daesh terrorists in al-Safa hills, Sweida Badyia

SANA reporter in Sweida said that over the past few hours, the army air force and artillery carried out precise and intensive strikes against positions and fortifications of Daesh terrorists in the direction of al-Safa hills in the eastern countryside, inflicting heavy losses upon them in the personnel and equipment.

The reporter added that army units enhanced their positions in the areas where they achieved advancement in parallel with foiling any infiltration attempt by Daesh terrorists towards the gathering of the water of Hatil Dam, the most important source of water to the northwest of al-Safa hills.


US Actions East Of Euphrates Are Aimed At Splitting Syria

“While being strongly opposed to the global community’s involvement in efforts to create conditions for refugees’ return to Syria’s territory controlled by the government, our American counterparts, at the same time, are actively restoring infrastructure on the eastern bank of the Euphrates river and even create quasi-state local government bodies there,” Lavrov said, according to the news agency TASS. “This gives rise to concern, this is fraught with attempts to split Syria, which is totally unacceptable and is a blatant violation of Security Council decisions, which has repeatedly demanded respect for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”


Large Explosion Rocks Key City On Syrian-Turkish Border

On September 1, a booby-trapped car exploded near a protest tent in the Syrian city of Azaz near the border with Turkey, according to the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi. The strategic city has been under the control of the Turkish-backed Euphrates Shield (ES) force since late 2016.

The pro-opposition news outlet said that dozens of civilians were protesting inside the tent against the local council of Azaz, which is accused of corruption and mismanagement.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.2834883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4912 >>4922 >>4963 >>4967 >>4990 >>5023 >>5165 >>5287 >>5300

HOW AWFUL! Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Look Sick As Elites Pile on Their Father at McCain Funeral


ohn McCain was eulogized today at a memorial in Washington DC.

The funeral service was also an opportunity for the Washington DC elites to rip and trash the sitting president — who was told not to come by John McCain.


Speaker after speaker, from Meghan McCain, to George W. Bush, to Barack Obama took turns to rip President Trump in words of anger.


Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were in attendance.

They looked sad and embarrassed at the nonstop abuse.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2834944   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UNC board member: Non-student radicals toppled Confederate statue as police ordered to stand down


A sophisticated political agenda orchestrated by non-student radicals led to the takedown of the Silent Sam confederate statue at the University of North Carolina’s Chapel Hill campus, a Board of Governors member said in a video on his YouTube channel.


During the protest, Chapel Hill police and campus police were ordered to stand down as protesters toppled the historic monument, WRAL-TV reported.

What happened?


“The destruction of Silent Sam was not as you are led to believe, a student-led, spontaneous uprising,” Thom Goolsby, a Board of Governors member, said in a video he posted Thursday to his YouTube account.


“The media told you that and it continues to be out there…and it is not true. As more and more facts come out every day – on the police stand-down, the arrests of the people who committed this crime and riot on our UNC Chapel Hill campus – you see that the police stood down and they watched the work of outside, non-student radicals carrying out what is shown to be a pre-planned and sophisticated political agenda,” he explained.


Announcements for the protest were “put out all over Orange County and Durham County,” Goolsby said.


Protesters organized at Peace and Justice Plaza and then moved onto the campus, Goolsby said. Some of them carried red flags, announcing their support of the communist agenda.


Organizers wore bandannas printed with the words “Silent Sam must fall,” videos of the protest show. The protesters covered their faces with the bandannas and then arrived on the camps to “commit mayhem and property destruction,” Goolsby said.

What about the police stand-down?


WRAL obtained approximately 400 pages of emails and texts from Police Chief Chris Blue indicating he told officers to stand aside as protesters ripped down the statue. The communications happened “before, during and after” the protest, the TV station reported.


Text messages show that Blue was closely monitoring what was unfolding at McCorkle Place on the campus.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.2835026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5052

Verified Pakistan Pop Star Tweets Prophet Cartoons ‘Worst Act of Terrorism’, Demands Artists Hanged


Pakistani pop star Rabi Pirzada has used her verified Twitter account to call for cartoonists who draw the Prophet Mohammed to be “hanged immediately”, claiming that drawing Islam’s founder is “the worst act of terrorism”.


“Freedom of expression can never justify blasphemy,” railed the singer — outwardly very Western in appearance, wearing modern clothing and leaving her hair uncovered.


“We strongly protest against disrespect of Our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) in France. Making cartoon of Prophet is the worst act of terrorism. The Sketch makers must be hanged immediately,” she demanded.


The outburst appears to be a response to Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders’s planned ‘Draw Mohammed’ contest, intended as an assertion of free speech and the right — increasingly in the balance in Western Europe — to cause offence.


Such gestures have become symbolically important in the West since a gang of radical Islamic terrorists slaughtered staffers at the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine in their Paris offices in 2015 — although few take the risk of making them.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2835038   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ephesians 6:16


16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Anonymous ID: 2b8660 Sept. 1, 2018, 11:29 a.m. No.2835076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cricket Legend Leaving ‘Horribly Violent’ Khan’s London: ‘You Don’t See Many Englishmen’


Legendary cricket commentator Henry ‘Blowers’ Blofeld is leaving London and moving overseas, complaining that the capital has become “horribly violent” and observing that “you don’t see many Englishmen” there anymore.


The 78-year-old, who was a familiar voice on Britain’s airwaves for 45 years as part of the Test Match Special on BBC radio, told the Daily Telegraph: “I don’t like [London] any more. I think it’s become, not exactly dangerous, but it is horribly violent, isn’t it?”


He added: “I had a friend who was knifed from one of those mopeds, and you don’t see too many Englishmen where I live.”


Blowfeld’s observation is controversial in the era of enforced diversity and state-sponsored multiculturalism, with comedy legend John Cleese having prompted fury when he suggested the English capital was “no longer an English city” after an outbreak of mass rioting, looting, and arson in 2011.