Anonymous ID: e44e6c Sept. 1, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.2834541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4549 >>4589

I think I know why Q brings up the Godfather III – in relation to post Las Vegas shootings. Follow me on this:




>Knowing that Archbishop Gilday, head of the Vatican Bank, has accumulated a massive deficit, Michael offers the Bank $600 million in exchange for shares in Internazionale Immobiliare, an international real estate company, which would make him its largest single shareholder with six seats on the company's 13-member board. He makes a tender offer to buy the Vatican's 25% share in the company, which will give him controlling interest. Immobiliare's board quickly approve the offer, pending ratification by the Pope.


>Altobello hires Mosca, a veteran hitman, to assassinate Michael. Mosca and his son, disguised as priests, kill Don Tommasino as he returns to his villa


Brennan feeds weapons to ISIS.

Annex Benghazi ISRL

Paddock CIA arms


>hey mr central park 4808 at gmail dot com, wanna sell us some guns so we can do fun stuff?


>just kidding thanks for the intel


>also bang bang your beaner cartel guard. he sucks. maybe put him in the Nevada database so you don't have loose ends you lazy fuck.


>lets shoot some faggots down here to send a message.


>also lets extract off the roof on a boeing callsign.


How do they go upstairs ? Why are the stairs blockaded going DOWN?


>hey al talwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeedy, thanks for the roof access. Adios!


Unsure where that nice brand new bentley ended up though if they flew out…. Definitely take off the marquee plate next time though.