For this next 2 months
Everyday we do this list;
Set the Main Powerswitch to
2) Set Engine Feed to
3) Set Main Power switch to
(two clicks)
4 Switch Master Light switch
, then the Strobe Light switch to
5) Close the canopy with the Canopy switch
6) Lock and seal the canopy with the yellow Canopy Lock handle
7) To start the engine first press the Jet Starter
8) Watch the RMP going to 20% (on the right side of the right MFD)
9) Click the ident (cut off switch) to start the engine. (To shut off the engine use that switch as well)
10) Watch the RMP going to 60%, the engine is now running idle
11) On the Avionics Power panel on the right side, set the INS
button to NORM
12) Next on the same panel switch all other swiches to ON, this willturn on the MFDs among other things as well
13) Next, on the Sensor Power Management Panel and the HUD
Remote Control Panel (on the right side next to the Side Stick) all switches to
14) Next, on the UHF Radio Control Panel (also on the left side) use the Com Main Switch to switch on the radio
15) To display the correct amount of fuel on the fuel gauge set the
Fuel Quanty Selector to
16) Press the Master Cauon buon to reset it (should not beglowing afer you pressed it)
17) You’re almost ready now to taxi away. Just a few more things.First set the seat arm to
18) Set the Landing Lights to
(one right-click)
19) Release the Parking Brakes (set Parking Brake switch to
Image; Anons and Baker.