Anonymous ID: 44e87b Sept. 1, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.2836148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Ordered The Final

Massacre At Waco

Robert Morrow



Hillary, not Bill, not Janet Reno, not Webb Hubbell, not Vince Foster was the one who ordered the final assault. Final death count: 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 children and two pregnant women.


"A Woman in Charge"

From Robert Morrow

Clinton expert

Austin, TX 512-306-1510


Hillary was the one who ordered the FUBAR final assault on the holed-up Branch Davidians in Waco on April 19th, 1993. The final death count from this disastrous fiasco was 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 childrene and two pregnant women. The appalling disaster at Waco was what motivated Timothy McVeigh to participate in the terroristic bombings in Oklahoma City, two years later on April 19, 1995.


Hillary was putting pressure on Vince Foster (her longtime boyfriend, sexual partner and emotional husband) and Webb Hubbell who was the #3 guy at Justice Department, to have a forceful resolution to the Waco standoff. Webb Hubbell is also probably the father of Chelsea, not Bill Clinton: Check out post #207 on this FreeRepublic web link to see a photo of the strikingly similar Webb Hubbell and Chelsea:


One big reason Hillary place Hubbell in the #3 spot at the Justice Department was so that he would not have to go through a Senate confirmation hearing where the ugly and probably true details about Hubbell being the biological father of Chelsea might be revealed in this process. Carl Bernstein in his book on Hillary gets close to this, "Foster vaguely repeated his fear that the confirmation process would hurt Hillary. He seemed to know something that Nussbaum didn't." [Bernstein, A Woman in Charge, p. 253] Likewise Hillary placed Vince Foster, her longtime lover and emotional husband, at the #2 spot in the office of White House counsel, although Vince (Hillary's best friend) was really superior in power over White House counsel Bernie Nussbaum. Vince basically was the one who "vetted" Nussbaum for the spot.

Anonymous ID: 44e87b Sept. 1, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.2836324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6471

Here are some quotes that provide a window into her tortured soul.


““When are they going to get those f—ing ree-tards out of here?!”

Hillary reportedly grew frustrated that handicapped children weren’t collecting their Easter eggs quickly enough on the lawn of the Arkansas governor’s mansion.


“Where is the goddamn fucking flag? I want the goddamn fucking flag up every fucking morning at fucking sunrise.”

—Hillary to Arkansas state troopers at the guardhouse as she was pulling out of the governor’s mansion on Labor Day, 1991 (The

First Partner, p. 192).


“Fuck off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too. Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.”

—Hillary to her Arkansas state trooper bodyguards, after one of them told her “good morning” (American Evita, p. 90).


“If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags.”

—Hillary to a Secret Service agent who is trained to keep his hands free at all times to protect his boss. According to countless

witnesses, this kind of demanding and demeaning behavior and attitude is very common for Hillary over the years.


“Get fucked! Get the fuck out of my way! Get out of my face!”

—A typical comment from Hillary to Secret Service agents throughout the 1990s (Hillary’s Scheme, p. 89).


“Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! … Just fucking do as I say, okay?”

—Hillary to her Secret Service detail (Unlimited Access, p. 139).


“Bimbos,” “sluts,” “trailer trash,” “rednecks,” and “shit-kickers.”

—Terms Hillary commonly used to describe Arkansans (American Evita, p. 139).


“Goddamn, L. D., did you see that family right out of Deliverance? Get me the hell out of here.”

—L. D. Brown, Bill’s favorite state trooper, while at a county fair in Arkansas in the early 1980s. They had just spoken to “salt of the

earth” country Arkansans who wore bib overalls and cotton dresses. Brown also said that Hillary would reduce grown men state

troopers such as Trooper Mark Allen to tears with her vicious attacks (Crossfire, p. 85).


“You goddamn stupid fucking fool.”

—Hillary to Bill while in the presence of Chelsea, then a toddler (Newsmax, July 15, 2000).


After Hillary had heard some bad news about Whitewater, Lieutenant Colonel Buzz Patterson describes the scene: “As soon as the elevator closed, she exploded at the president with a spew of four-letter words. Every vulgar word you’ve ever heard poured from her mouth: ‘Goddamnit,’ ‘you bastard,’ ‘it’s your fucking fault.’” Patterson said Bill just hung his head, took the abuse while the Secret

Service agents and a doctor looked on mortified. (Dereliction of Duty, p. 68).


“That’ll teach them to fuck with us.”

—Hillary said to aides right after her comments to Matt Lauer in January 1998 that a “vast right-wing conspiracy” was out to get the Clintons (The Case Against Hillary Clinton, p. 162).


“These women are all trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.”

—Hillary on Bill’s accusers (Bill & Hillary, p. 220).


“I want to get this shit over with and get these damn people out of here.”

—Hillary, over the Arkansas governor’s mansion intercom as preschoolers who had been invited to the governor’s mansion were

posing on the lawn for a photograph (The First Partner, p. 192).


“We have to destroy her.”

—Hillary on Gennifer Flowers (The Final Days, p. 13).


“You fucking Jew bastard.”

—Hillary to campaign manager Paul Fray on the night of Bill’s loss in his 1974 congressional race (The State of a Union, p. 153).


“[You] Jew bastard! … [You] Jew motherfucker!”

—Hillary and Bill would often call each other these slurs, according to former Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson (The State of

a Union, p. 155).

Anonymous ID: 44e87b Sept. 1, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2836416   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In short, America looked like it was acceding to Chinese demands for control over the South China Sea. Beijing had overplayed its hand in recent months, however, and nations in the region were looking to oppose the Chinese. Nonetheless, all of them were seeking safety in numbers, with none wanting to aggravate Beijing by leading from the front.


In a meeting between Asean members and Yang Jiechi before Clinton arrived in Hanoi, only the Philippines was willing to raise the issue of the South China Sea. Once word spread that Clinton would adopt a firm position, however, 11 participants issued statements on the matter. No wonder the Chinese feel they were ambushed in the Vietnamese capital. Whether or not it was a trap, Clinton, in her finest hour as secretary of state, supplied leadership in Southeast Asia.


And in North Asia as well. The Clinton Doctrine–Is it too early to call it that yet?–will also reassure Japan and South Korea, both formal military allies of the U.S., that Washington is in Asia to stay.