Anonymous ID: 7279c0 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:30 p.m. No.2836530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I chased a rabbit more than once,

some would say I was a dunce,

for I followed it into a hole,

and as I dug like a troll,

it eluded me not once but twice,

so I picked up a new device,

the Sword of God with shoes just right,

a shining breastplate that fits me tight,

with a belt of truth and a shield to bear,

I finally caught that elusive hare.

Now that i've captured that furry crit,

i'll find a place where I can sit

and roast the prize of all my work,

and now I know where rabbits lurk.

If by chance I get the itch

to chase another in a ditch,

I first will weigh what is the cost,

sometimes the chase can get me lost.

But prudence calls I must beware,

Some rabbits just aren't worth the care..