Anonymous ID: a477eb Sept. 1, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.2836839   🗄️.is 🔗kun



For Q:

( THEY, THEM, THEIR” in parenthesis, designates cabal, DEM’s, leftist, socialist, Soros and Rothschilds, etc)

Drop #2019 you said:

“We will gladly end our lives to ensure he lives.

More than you can imagine.”

None of us have ever doubted Q team’s loyalty.

We love you all and we always pray for you guys.

With this said…

{THEY} will not make an assassination attempt before election day.

{THEY} will take any easy opportunity if given the chance.

{THEY} know assassination would be detrimental to {THEIR} election chances for November.

{THEY} are sitting tight, for now.

Should {THEY} win half/full control in DC, it would take assassination off the table only temporarily.

{THEIR} full efforts would be on impeachment of POTUS.

Should {THEY} not gain control in either house, all bets are off and {THEY} will become desperate.

{THEY} will not care, assassination will become blatant.

The “October surprise” coming adds additional dangerous components to {THEIR} sense-of-urgency to get POTUS.

There’s an every-day probing, poking, testing to find cracks in protection of POTUS.

Effort by {THEM} to assassinate POTUS is run like a company.

{THEY} have leadership and direction.

{THEIR} operation is big (it’s not guesswork or wishful thinking).

Every day {THESE} people go to work to find ways to get POTUS.

Brennan, SEN Warren and many others have very big mouths.


{THEY} are spreading dis-info, distracting the masses & also drawing YOUR attention.

You’ve said many times Q, “Look over there, no, look over here…”

Two can play this game {THEY} are saying.

My big worry.

{THEY} are staying deathly quiet in particular places within {THEIR} entire organization, for a reason.

Q  “Watch The Quiet.”

Where around you guys, is it most quiet?

Where are you NOT looking?

Where have you never looked/focused your attention before?

“LOOK, SEEK, FOCUS on the quiet.

People, groups places.

People look and act most innocent?

“Innocence” is a mighty weapon.

Honing in.

{THEIR} current assassination attempt is methodical, patient.

{THEY} know nothing sticks to POTUS.

{THEY} must win in November.

Should {THEY} fail in November, all bets are off, it will be a 100% effort to assassinate POTUS.

I know for sure {THEY} have one plan that is so hidden, so quiet, so incredibly low key, even {THEY} keep it quiet and hidden from each {OTHER}.

This assassination plan would strike so delicately, almost like holding a new born baby, innocent, soft and gentle, but affective - truly scary.


Appoint one person dedicated as THE, “Listen, look, focus and seek the quiet.”

Someone good at seeing big picture that can pull in thousands of bits of info and digest them well enough to do this job.

Involve them all meetings and aware of all day-today info of protecting POTUS.

They should remain like a, “fly on the wall” in these meetings.

They should stand back and “download” everything about protecting POTUS.

Then simply, be experienced enough & intuitive enough to know how to, “Look, seek, listen and focus on the quiet.”

That’s all I’ve got.