Anonymous ID: ac3a0b Sept. 1, 2018, 1:03 p.m. No.2836109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6543

This bog was just too good not to share.


It exposes the Steele Dossier but also enlightens us how OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) gathering is used and can be used by the QResearchers. Interdasting!


"Considering all of the dossier’s unusual aspects, I decided to take a little time and do a deeper dive into its structure and content. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how by using readily available OSINT tools and techniques, video analytics, and writing style analysis, we can pinpoint the likely sources, methods, and the individuals involved in the creation and distribution of this document."


I noticed that the fourth contributor to the Fake Dossier was Edward Baumgartner and he earned a BA in History at Vassar College when Nellie Ohr was a Professor teaching History there. Take a gander…

Anonymous ID: ac3a0b Sept. 1, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.2836543   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It is noteworthy that all of the six members of this group’s home and office address are clustered within 4 miles of each other, (see below), and that most attempted to scrub (not always successfully) their online presence and 2016 SM activity. Another interesting observation is that in two cases, it is the spouse of the individual on the list that was the link to the dossier team.