Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:06 p.m. No.2836146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6281 >>6370 >>6457 >>6599 >>6737 >>6793

Papadopoulos Never Told Trump Campaign Of Kremlin "Dirt" On Hillary


In a Friday night court filing trying to spare their client from a lengthy prison sentence, attorneys for George Papadopoulos claim that he never told the Trump campaign about claims of Kremlin "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, and that a month before he knew about said dirt, Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions positively responded to a March, 2016 proposal that the young energy consultant facilitate a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.2836182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6210 >>6212 >>6457 >>6599 >>6737 >>6793

Iran Refutes Reports Alleging Missile Shipment to Shiite Groups in Iraq


MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Reuters has reported, citing a number of different sources, that Iran had been delivering short-range ballistic missiles to its Shiite allies in Iraq and helping the groups to start producing their own over the past few months.


The Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that reports on Iran allegedly transferring its ballistic missiles to Tehran-backed Shiite groups in Iraq were "false and ridiculous."


"The information, which was disseminated in several media, on Iran transferring missiles to Iraq, is unacceptable and false. This information is aimed at raising apprehensions against the states of the region and perpetuating political threats against Iran. It is a totally false and ridiculous story," the Mehr agency quoted the ministry's spokesman Bahram Qassemi as saying.


Iran is prohibited from any missile-related transfers and activities under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran nuclear deal and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.


Washington pulled out from the agreement several months ago, but other signatories, including Tehran itself, pledged adherence to the deal.

Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.2836212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Iran rejects claims about moving missiles to Iraq as ridiculous, false


Iran has vehemently rejected as "false, meaningless and ludicrous" a recent media report claiming that Tehran has moved missiles to Iraq, saying it aimed to stoke Iranophobia in the region.


"What has been raised and published by some infamous cells and certain media about the transfer of Iranian missiles to Iraq is a nonsensical statement and sheer lie," Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Saturday.


"The report is solely aimed at creating fears among regional countries" and is in line with Iranophobic policies, he added.


The Iranian spokesperson emphasized that such "totally false and ridiculous” reports have no purpose but to “affect Iran's foreign relations, particularly ties with its neighbors."


Qassemi's remarks came a day after Reuters, in an exclusive report, quoted unnamed sources as claiming that Iran has given ballistic missiles to Shia fighters in Iraq and is developing the capability to build more there to deter attacks on its interests in the Middle East.


The report alleged that Iran has transferred short-range ballistic missiles to its allies in Iraq over the last few months.


The Islamic Republic's missile program and its regional presence has been the target of intensified Western propaganda over the past few months.


Iran has been lending military advisory support to Iraq and Syria as per requests by the two Arab countries’ governments in the face of foreign-backed Takfiri terrorism.


Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said in May that the legitimate governments of Iraq and Syria have called for Iran's military advisory presence in their countries in order to help them fight terrorism.


"The ire of the US and this country's allies, who were the main creators and sponsors of Takfiri terrorism and the final losers of this battlefield, is understandable," the SNSC secretary added.

Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.2836263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6280 >>6369


Your an idiot.


Zionist owned media spread false stories about missiles to create pretext to attack Iran after Trump frees Iran from the Cabal.


Take your kike ass somewhere else.


Your premise means MSM is telling the truth with it's anonymous sources!

Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.2836407   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.2836462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6505 >>6537

PICTURED: Harvey Weinstein hands over daughter India Pearl, eight, to estranged wife Georgina Chapman while wearing an electronic ankle tag ahead of court appearance on rape charges



Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.2836576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609 >>6850

Russia Preparing for Major Military Operation


by Daniel Carter


There is no doubt that the relationship between NATO countries and the Eastern powers (Russia, China, Iran, etc.) has taken a very ugly turn in recent years. This is true despite the mainstream media’s deceitful insistence that Trump is selling the country out to Russia. In reality, the US and Russia are in an accelerating war in the economic sphere and in cyberspace. President Trump has only escalated tensions against Russia to an alarming degree.


As the US puts pressure on Russia, Russia puts pressure back on the US. But this tit-for-tat relationship between the two countries could soon turn into a direct military conflict. In fact, the stage for such a conflict is now being set.


The proxy war in Syria, between the US and Russia, now seems to be approaching a critical juncture, where US forces may finally meet Russian forces in battle. Up until now, only allies of Russia and the US have fought each other directly. There was, however, a very close call about six months ago when US forces killed over 200 Russian mercenaries.


The US has attempted several times to get their citizens interested in a full-scale attack against the Assad Regime in Syria but have had only minimal success. The US used news of several chemical attacks on innocent Syrian civilians to paint Assad as a monster. However, there are many who question the legitimacy of these attacks, including people in the West. Just a few days ago, the Russian government warned that US-backed rebels in Syria were planning another chemical attack to blame on the Assad regime.


Russia is not taking these potential US escalations lightly, and they look willing to help Assad win the war at high costs. We can see their seriousness by the massive navy buildup in the Mediterranean Sea. This is the Russian Navy’s largest buildup so far in the Syrian war.


The Russians appear like they are ready for a major military operation. This operation may include two key aspects: 1) to help with Assad’s imminent push to rid Idlib of rebels once and for all, and 2) to help deter US forces from making further advancements against the Assad regime.


Will we finally see a violent showdown between US and Russian forces? It’s hard to say with a great deal of certainty. But one thing is certain, the US and Russia don’t look willing to back down from this fight. At this point, to the keen observer, it looks like a slow-motion train wreck. And nothing, so far, has made the collision look more inevitable than this massive Russian buildup.

Anonymous ID: d8766c Sept. 1, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.2836736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6793 >>6797 >>6800

WATCH: G.W. Bush Passes Something to Michelle Obama During McCain’s Funeral


Was that a candy? That must have been a candy.


Former US President George W. Bush was caught on camera passing something from former first lady Laura Bush to former first lady Michelle Obama during John McCain's funeral service, sparking curiosity in some social media circles.


While nobody knows for sure what it was, MSNBC reported that it was probably candy. The interaction happened right next to former President Obama and it was unclear whether he got candy as well.


As the Hill reported, George W. Bush earlier expressed "genuine" affection for Michelle Obama.


"She kind of likes my sense of humor. Anybody who likes my sense of humor, I immediately like," Bush told People Magazine in 2017.


The interaction sparked mixed response on social media. Some Twitter users praised the interaction calling it "sweet," while others pointed out that eating candy — if that's indeed what it was — during a funeral service in a church could be construed by some as inappropriate behavior.


US President Donald Trump, a vocal opponent of late Senator McCain, was not present at the ceremony; however, several members of his administration attended, including first daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner.