Anonymous ID: fc3658 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.2836460   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A legal “person” who has taken the appropriate legal steps to become “sovereign” and has accumulated legal evidence in support of that status:


Is described as “foreign” with respect to the statutes and codes of the jurisdiction within which he is “sovereign”.

Is protected by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA), codified in 28 U.S.C. Chapter 97, §§1602 to 1611 .

Cannot be in receipt of any federal privileges or financial benefits. The reason is that the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, in section 28 U.S.C. §1605(a)(2), includes an exception in which those who engage in “commerce” within the legislative jurisdiction of the “United States”, which is the federal zone, are exempted from the Act. The bible describes "the Beast" as the "kings of the earth" in Rev. 19:19, who today are our political leaders. "Babylon the Great Harlot", is described in Rev. 17-18 as the woman who commits fornication with the kings of the earth. Black's Law Dictionary defines "commerce" as "intercourse".

Anonymous ID: fc3658 Sept. 1, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.2836575   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You must be fully prepared to personally litigate to defend your rights. You cannot depend on a lawyer to do this for you, and if you do, you will become a financial slave to him defending yourself, and that will lead to financial ruin and becoming another “ward of the state” eventually.

You should not have a state drivers license, and especially if it requires you to provide an SSN. Instead, get an international drivers permit. We describe how to do this later in section

You must acquire a post office box, preferably in a foreign country, and have all your mail forwarded to your real domicile. That way, no one can find out from any computer database, where you physically live. This will protect your privacy. We describe how to do this later in section

You must remove the header and the phone number from your fax machine, so that when you fax things to others, they cannot know your phone number.

You must copyright your name so that you can prohibit its use by the government.

You should take the necessary steps to protect your assets, including removing Slave Surveillance Numbers from all your assets and putting them in the name of a trust or artificial entity.

You cannot have a marriage license from the state and if you have one, you must eliminate it. Instead, get either a common law marriage or a contract, but not a marriage license. We describe how to do this later in section .

You must be either a “state national” or a “U.S. national” instead of a privileged or presumptive “U.S. citizen”. We describe how to do this later in section

You must reside inside a union state on non-federal land. This will ensure that you are not subject to the totalitarian socialist democracy that is in control in side the federal zone.

You must remove Socialist Security Numbers from all your financial accounts and your real property. We describe how to do that later in section

You must use cash for most of your transactions so that your transactions cannot be traced.

You should keep your financial records in a place away from your home or in encrypted electronic form so that no organization can subpoena or seize them from your home. Furthermore, you cannot tell anyone what records you have, or you surrender your right to not disclose them.

You should not provide a social security number to any employer, and if you do give it to them, the W-4 or W-8BEN form you file stopping withholding must have an explicit copyright statement and nondisclosure statement saying that “acceptance of this form by employer constitutes consent not to disclose this form to any outside third parties, including government, and if this requirement is violated, the form was filed involuntarily and under duress and constitutes a criminal tort and invasion of privacy”. We describe how to do this in section

If you MUST have a Social Security Number, you should start an artificial business name that is your full name in all capital letters. Get a taxpayer identification number using an IRS form W-9 for the business entity that has your name and use that. If you are asked for a Socialist Security Number, provide the one for the business, rather then a personal one.

Copyright Family Guardian Fellowship