That smack was straight from Afghanistan.
McCain is sippin on gin and juice with bin Laden, on our tax dollars.
Closed casket. It was cancer, not a headshot.
I'm sure it was. Just like camel jockies knocked down WTC 7 with an aluminum airplane demolishing of the WTC twin towers.
That is a patriotic war injury. Mattis confirms.
Wouldn't they cry if the death was real, regardless of the cause?
What about a sudden death in the form of an execution, as claimed by the poster to whom I replied? Your wingman shill confirms, I see.
Does a battle with cancer cause hair loss?
Did you know that firefighters and paramedics first responding to those types of events are not whatever truck makes it there first. They are swat team fire and medical responders. I think about how many Iraq and Afghanistan war soldiers became officers and firefighters. I think some of them follow orders form their CIA superior and may not know they're being used for a psyop. But they very well may be in on it.
It's called logical thinking. How could so many false flags succeed if the locals weren't in on it? The Parkland cop was Strzoking himself while an active shooter was roaming the school? Sheriff's last name is Israel? Reconcile.