However, at the same time, this order is apparently subject only to the sovereign of that given country, to the monarch. In fact, things are not so, because in reality the same supreme head of the Knights of Malta traditionally resides in Rome, has its sovereign magisterium in Via Condotti 68, which is precisely the place where this headquarters is located in Rome , that of that order, which is commonly known as S.M.O.M.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has always been leading the Vatican intelligence services, and its members have a long history as practitioners of Vatican intelligence. They represent the flagship service of intelligence, and at the moment the supreme head of that order is Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, who was born on May 15, 1929, is therefore a rather old man, but it is the current 78 °, and also of the 3rd Grand Master Of the Order of British nationality, which is among other things the cousin of the Queen (of England), while the Queen herself is at the head, of course, of the British commandery with its own order of Saint John, so it is also connected to that network, which, as I have said, It aims to present the Protestant countries as (independent), and in a certain sense must appear independent, but in reality they are always and anyway subject to the Vatican through this system of monarchs or sovereigns, which are connected through the bloodlines, but also In relation to the fact that these same bloodlines were "blessed" by the Vatican, with continuity over time, in many forms.
The fact that these bloodlines are controlled by the Vatican is a fact that is absolutely central, and the latter work together in the context of the intelligence work that the Knights of Malta lead, always bearing in mind the other orders that work Anyway on behalf of the Vatican.
Confirming this link between Knights of Malta and Freemasonry, here is what the journalist Ferruccio Pinotti says: ' According to Pius XII, the Knights of Malta were the long Manus of Freemasonry in the Vatican, so much so that it formed a commission in charge of dissolving The order. Which was saved thanks to the death of the traditionalist pontiff and to the advent of John XXIII, a pope accused of "Masonic sympathies" who approved the constitutions of the order by decreeing the end of the Commission. Therefore the Knights of Malta have always been perceived as an important junction between the Masonic and the Vatican Finance (Ferruccio Pinotti, Fratelli d'italia, p. 415).