Anonymous ID: 087e0d Sept. 1, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2837653   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7981 >>8256

Bernie at Truth and Art TV just dropped a pretty fucken sweet vid


Props brother we know your lurking!


Q Anon Mystery Finally Solved!! "NOTHING IS HAPPENING"! (Special Presentation)

Anonymous ID: 087e0d Sept. 1, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.2837676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7701

EU Slams Nicaragua Over Expulsion of UN Human Rights Mission


BRUSSELS (Sputnik) - The European Union denounced on Saturday the decision of the Nicaraguan authorities to end the mission of the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the country after the panel issued a report which alleged multiple human rights violations in Nicaragua.


"The decision by the Nicaragua government to terminate the presence of the mission of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) goes against the aim of full accountability for human rights violations and serving justice to the victims of violence," the European Union said in a statement.


The European Union urged the Nicaraguan authorities to consider the findings of the report and to implement the OHCHR recommendations, including "the dismantling and disarming of pro-government groups, halting all unlawful arrests and release all those who have been arbitrarily detained."


On Wednesday, the OHCHR published a scathing report which criticized violence and impunity of the crackdown on anti-government protesters across the country and urged action by the international community. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega’s government announced shortly after that the panel was to leave the country.


Turmoil erupted in Nicaragua on April 18 when people took to the streets to protest unpopular social security reforms. This led to months of demonstrations, which saw some 300 people killed and 2,000 others injured.


NOTE: Where ever the UN/Aid agencies/Foundations go horror and death soon follows. Clean up WW underway

Anonymous ID: 087e0d Sept. 1, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2837828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7920 >>8151 >>8282

Ignoring child sex abuse scandal, Pope Francis urges ’emergency’ action to combat ocean litter


Amid a child sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, which Pope Francis has yet to directly address, Francis on Saturday decried the “emergency” of plastic debris littering the Earth’s oceans.

What did Francis say?


Francis issued a message aimed at “galvanizing” Christians to begin working to conserve the Earth’s environment, according to the Associated Press. A more liberal pope, environmental conservation is one of Francis’ most emphasized issues.


“Sadly, all too often many efforts fail due to the lack of effective regulation and means of control, particularly with regard to the protection of marine areas beyond national confines,” Francis said.


“We cannot allow our seas and oceans to be littered by endless fields of floating plastic,” he explained. “Here, too, our active commitment is needed to confront this emergency.”


To combat what he sees as a growing problem, Francis urged Christians to “pray as if everything depended on God’s providence and work as if everything depended on us.”

Why is this a problem?


It’s true that a multitude of Christians worldwide see the environment, and working toward its conservation, as a major issue.


However, the Catholic church is currently facing a destructive sexual abuse scandal after Carlo Maria Viganò, the former papal Nuncio to the U.S., released a scathing letter accusing Francis of essentially covering up sexual abuse allegations against Theodore Edgar McCarrick, the former Archbishop of the District of Columbia, who was forced to resign his position in the Church this year after the Vatican declared allegations against him to be “credible.”


“He knew that [McCarrick] was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the bitter end,” Viganò alleges.


Unfortunately, Francis has yet to address the allegations against him head on. He has said he would address them at a later date. But saying ocean debris as an “emergency” while the Catholic church faces a sexual abuse scandal is a declaration many found distasteful.

Anonymous ID: 087e0d Sept. 1, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.2837879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7900 >>8060 >>8214

Media TOTALLY Has Trump Now After AP’s Seventh-Hand Report


How many layers removed can a source be before the entire report starts to look absurd?


The Associated Press seems to have pushed the limits in an article published Friday morning. Here’s the lede:


“A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.”


So, sources say a DOJ lawyer said a former British spy told him that Russian intelligence told him it had the president “over a barrel” during the 2016 elections. Got that? The AP’s tweet wasn’t any clearer, stating: “BREAKING: Sources reveal senior Justice Department lawyer's interview with lawmakers: He said former British spy told him Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump 'over a barrel' during the 2016 campaign.”


I count five-times removed from the original source, but it was pointed out to me on Twitter that it is even more removed than that. We have the “Russian intelligence,” Christopher Steele (former British spy), Bruce Ohr (Former DOJ official), DOJ lawyers, lawmakers, “sources,” and the Associated Press.


The Federalist’s Sean Davis summed it up best:


Save Ferris.


(Disclosure: I also write for the Federalist.)

Anonymous ID: 087e0d Sept. 1, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.2837938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7949 >>7986 >>7990 >>8039 >>8282

Explosions hit Damascus military airport – reports


Several powerful explosions have rocked a military airport in Damascus, hitting an ammunition depot there. The cause of the blasts is not known yet


Syrian Air Defense Repels Aristrikes on Damascus Suburbs - Intelligence Source

Anonymous ID: 087e0d Sept. 1, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.2838217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missile attack reported at Damascus military air base