Anonymous ID: 5339ed Sept. 1, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.2837757   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8021

>>2837557 (pb)

>>2837575 (pb)

>>2837593 (pb)

>>2837637 (pb)

Well we know they were all crooks and did many things which were not legal.

Such as 9/11

All of them collusing in it.

Also their membership in the CIA was hidden. Also, people didn't know of the crimes of the CIA then either.

If the Mass Media breaks as it should, they will not be able to gain office.

By law, they should be barred.

Once the trials come and the info comes out it will be a "no - brainer"

Don't listen to what the Mass Media tells you will and / or will not be.

They are lying and covering for massive crimes and are massively liable

Anonymous ID: 5339ed Sept. 1, 2018, 3:12 p.m. No.2837825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7847 >>7869 >>7952 >>8251



Ouch. maybe have to revise my views of Mattis

Why is Huma the center of attention?

Maybe the rumors that she ran HRC, including her letter home to her Muslim Brotherhood family are all true.

Wasnt' McCursed and Hussain both very close and intimate with the Muslim nations, who we trained as "our" surrogates [to play the role of "terrorist" to give the excuse for War?]

Right Bus was close with oil buddies and arm merchants in SA too.

Look at Huma, the center of attention for the room; as though she is the most powerful person. Is she even a Citizen? Or did Hussain give her that? Oh right he's not a citizen either. All those details have gone out of style.

Anonymous ID: 5339ed Sept. 1, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.2837906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8060


"We should all strive to be Patriots like hero John Mc[Cursed]"


Isn't it interesting that Cain was cursed by God for the sin of murdering his brother.

What a coincidence

McCursed name means "Son of Cain"

God has a "funny" sense of humor?

Anonymous ID: 5339ed Sept. 1, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.2838178   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No really but alright doc

I will be triggered by trauma.

Without stress many people who suffer it would never have become ill.

Some people will never experience it, no matter what.

Not speaking of MKUltra, because I've not studied that in detail

It runs in families and not because of MkUltra. It existed before that program.

It exists "in the wild" so to speak.

And it's not a healing process. Most never heal. in this culture anyway.

And in other cultures it's said only 60% spontaneous recovery after 25 years.

Here in US, because of the treatment protocols and the way the society treats the person [shunning] . most will be permanently institutionalized and never recover.

So it's not a healing process. It's an actual illness.

Maybe for MKUltra victims it's a process of healing; since they don't have the predisposition for it; and the disease was artificially induced in them .

It can be triggered by one shock only, in people who have the predisposition.Though the process of becoming ill may have gone on un-noticed for some period of months.

Anonymous ID: 5339ed Sept. 1, 2018, 4 p.m. No.2838412   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nobody saw it from the ground [South Tower] , that's how brainwashed people are and how the news media just crawls with liars, ringer and crisis actors.

The plot success becomes more plausible when you witness the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" first hand. Which has been

Brought on strictly by information control / media suggestion.

It was a sophisticated con. A stage magic type operation on a very large scale.

I'm sure the social engineers are very pleased with their success, which of course they predicted.

The feat was Very audacious [they love that; jokers] and therefor no one bothers to check the details, look closer or actually meet and interview would - be witnesses. [- Most people have no clue how to interview people; we'll leave it at that - certainly Strzok and his ilk didn't' interview HRC very well , did they?]

CGI images were all South Tower.

Still shot is enlargement of Naudet fortuitous filming of the North Tower hit. We still don't know what that is [pic related]

But we know it's not a commercial aircraft.

Maybe some autists / military mavens can find out.