Anonymous ID: 66c77f Sept. 1, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.2838088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8235


That horrible underestimation, an educated guess would be closer to 3 billion when tracing the trickle of influence to it's source, the "snowball" or "butterfly" effect of actions at the top while seemingly insignificant, have increasingly worsening ramifications over time. Things that appear on the surface to have next-to no connection to the other effects, in reality have the same common denominator. Recently POTUS has been alluding to monopolies, this is what he's actually referring to, not one company but a few select individuals behind a great many companies controlling both supply and demand at their leisure. People with that level of influence are one arm of the cabal we're fighting and that specifically is simply the "public" aspect of it that your average person misses because they're preoccupied with their day-to-day. "Mind Control" isn't like telling someone to do something against their will, it's convincing them that what you want them to do IS their will, "Mind Conditioning" is a more apt phrase. It's insane for normies to try and grasp because they're convinced that everything they do is of their own accord, yet they can admit that how they were raised affects how they act as adults, the conditioning has been in effect for ages now, they simply don't want to admit it. Pride goeth before a fall and no matter who they are, EVERYONE has felt the effect of this conditioning.