Anonymous ID: a20b6f Sept. 1, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.2837834   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He died as a child at age 10.


Do you have some actual evidence why he didn't claim the throne after Napoleon and let his uncle clam it?


Seems like pretty dumb move if he was alive and "powerful" at that age.


Why would he choose NC of all places? Not many Frenchmen there then.


Differences in the settlement patterns of eastern and western North Carolina, or the Low Country and uplands, affected the political, economic, and social life of the state from the 18th until the 20th century. The Tidewater in eastern North Carolina was settled chiefly by immigrants from rural England and the Scottish Highlands. The upcountry of western North Carolina was settled chiefly by Scots-Irish, English, and German Protestants, the so-called "cohee". Arriving during the mid- to late 18th century, the Scots-Irish from what is today Northern Ireland were the largest non-English immigrant group before the Revolution; English indentured servants were overwhelmingly the largest immigrant group before the Revolution.[27][28][29][28][29][30] During the American Revolutionary War, the English and Highland Scots of eastern North Carolina tended to remain loyal to the British Crown, because of longstanding business and personal connections with Great Britain. The English, Welsh, Scots-Irish, and German settlers of western North Carolina tended to favor American independence from Britain.


Most of the English colonists had arrived as indentured servants, hiring themselves out as laborers for a fixed period to pay for their passage. In the early years the line between indentured servants and African slaves or laborers was fluid. Some Africans were allowed to earn their freedom before slavery became a lifelong status. Most of the free colored families formed in North Carolina before the Revolution were descended from unions or marriages between free white women and enslaved or free African or African-American men. Because the mothers were free, their children were born free. Many had migrated or were descendants of migrants from colonial Virginia.[31] As the flow of indentured laborers to the colony decreased with improving economic conditions in Great Britain, planters imported more slaves, and the state's legal delineations between free and slave status tightened, effectively hardening the latter into a racial caste. The economy's growth and prosperity was based on slave labor, devoted first to the production of tobacco.

Anonymous ID: a20b6f Sept. 1, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.2837936   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He learned a tiny scrap of knowledge and expanded it into an explanation of God.


What name do the physics use to refer to that "wave" ( it is actually a "field" which creates a "wave-like effect")


You limited physics knowledge is showing

Anonymous ID: a20b6f Sept. 1, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.2838115   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Other that making you feel better, why is this so important?


Feel free to announce to the world what you believe and why you think Mattis is wrong.


See something - say something