Anonymous ID: fd6954 Sept. 1, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.2837984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024


I'm glad they re-posted it then as I missed it.


Isn't The federalist comped or is that the federalist society? alt-lite controlled op type? I thought one of them was financed by or had displayed Zionist tendencies?

Anonymous ID: fd6954 Sept. 1, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.2838143   🗄️.is 🔗kun


well i'm in minority because I'm all about censorship of lies and falsehoods.


i think we should censor the holocaust. and tell the truth. i think we should censor the john noname lie, and tell the truth. i think we should censor the lies about reagan, and tell the truth. the lie in school books about white people and slavery needs suppression and redacting. i got millions of free speech lies. a murderer and a liar from the beginning.


free speech leads to white genocide. anything goes in america. you can even express yourself by adding Hispanic crimes to white crime figures to blow the number up as john Edwards might say.


free speech absent good faith leads to lies. outright falsehoods. spoken in court-rooms by Edgar Madison Welch or from SCOTUS by John Roberts or placed in school books about Bergen-Belsen or the lie of omission where blacks crimes against whites is never spoken of but it's always muh lynchings which pale in comparison to the murder of whites. any jews want to comment on this issue?


and if you want to see cunning read the encyclopedia Britannica on-line entry for "The Pale". Pure Jewish propaganda. Total take-over of history. Narcissism gone wild. The actual Pale is reduced almost to a footnote. Typical. Unbelievable.


i do misunderstand what free speech is all about. i dont get it anymore.