Anonymous ID: 5cbd25 Sept. 1, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.2838588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2838407 (lb)

If they were friends, to be honest POTUS, they'd have refused to rip us off. True? They never have been our friends. They wear the mask. If I could make a deal, with say China, and kick something Australia's way, I'm looking for an opportunity hell I might create one. It's what friends do in real life I find but not in elite global pedo life. There, they literally screw anything animal, mineral, vegetable you name it they'll fuck it up. I wish I was worth 650 trillion I'd give you all a 7 billionth share. what the do I need that for? whats the point in having toys if no one else has any?

