Anonymous ID: bdbcf9 Sept. 1, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.2838907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8929 >>8941 >>8952


Bono used to attend Hollywood Presbyterian whenever he was in town. That means nothing, there's obviously lots of non-believers in churches, but, given that it was never publicized, I don't know why he would be interested in taking his kid to church if he was busy eating other people's (although he totally let his kid play around obnoxiously in the aisle because he's a sh*tty dad). I think he's just one of the many who are deluded by the pleasant-sounding (to them) ideas of the globalists. But that's just IMHO. Please don't waste board time with meaningless digs at PCUSA. I get it. They're completely comped.