Anonymous ID: 16cab3 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:01 p.m. No.2839882   🗄️.is đź”—kun


MASONIC BEGINNINGS. The beginning of the UU churches (before they joined denominations) is full of Freemasons and people in the elite occult bloodlines. Thomas Jefferson was both Illuminati & Unitarian. James Freeman was the first Unitarian preacher at a Boston church in 1784. John Biddle (1615-62) (of the elite Biddle bloodline) is created with being the Father of British Universalism. When Benj. Franklin was Grand Master of the Freemasons in PA, Thomas Oxnard, who began the Unitarian congregation at Portland, Maine, became the Provincial Grand Master for Freemasonry from 1743-54 for the entire North America. Early famous New Thought Unitarians who were also Freemasons are William Ellery Channing and Ralph Waldo Emerson, who began activity that led to the Bird Club. William Ellery Channing was a grandfather or granduncle of Freemason George Channing who help found Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy, the dynamic founder of Christian Science, was of an Illum. bloodline and her descendant Hazel E. Billings, who came from a Masonic family, was an important member of the Illuminati in Portland, Oregon’s UU Church (on Stark St.). During like the 70’s & later, Hazel’s job was to receive orders from the Illuminati & transmit those verbally to Portland’s City Club, a non-profit group which holds forums on city concerns & has influence on Portland’s new policies. (Portland & Oregon are test sites for the PTSNB.) She would have Illum. connected Jesuits & Mormon come to her house. Many Illum. directives in modern times have been passed face to face.