Anonymous ID: 732204 Sept. 1, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.2839392   🗄️.is 🔗kun




What [I]ssa [DAD] got? (CLAS 1-3)

“… in the course of human events, the Fires of liberty must be stoked so that a nation can Again become Great…”

Think Mirror.

Think Projection.

Do some on here call out others as PATRIOTS and SCHILLS because [they] are what they say [you] are?

Think BOOBS.

Suckling.. nurturing.. life-giving.. soft.. sensitive..

“On the words of the great Kek, ‘let all your actions be worthy of BOOB, that he may [COME] unto, and not into me.”



Note: Parody purposes only, although good practice to learn to decode using CLAS and mirror terms, etc.


Bring on the BOOBS! Remove the FAGGOTS!