Anonymous ID: 1d0e25 Sept. 1, 2018, 7:01 p.m. No.2840636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is seriously so hard to read what he is.

This is where I am at with Bob.



Silencing people at and other places in 2007 with the national security letters.


He had the longest term ever as FBI director and Obama even extended his stay another 2 years.


He went over to Russia and showed them u

Uranium samples.


He lied about the amount of times the FBI went into people's homes. While under oath!



Nobody ever sees him in public and he never talks to anyone


He met with Trump about the FBI director position when he had already maxed out the term!


And that last point I cannot get over!

Why did they meet!?


Logic tells me I cannot ignore that!