Anonymous ID: 41659a Sept. 1, 2018, 6:26 p.m. No.2840180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0200 >>0246



I'm a faggot for this slide. I thought I found some USGS fuckery afoot. I will KMS now.


Here's the USGS explanation of why they have negative magnitude earthquakes:


How can an earthquake have a negative magnitude?


Magnitude calculations are based on a logarithmic scale, so a ten-fold drop in amplitude decreases the magnitude by 1.


If an amplitude of 20 millimetres as measured on a seismic signal corresponds to a magnitude 2 earthquake, then:


10 times less (2 millimetres) corresponds to a magnitude of 1;

100 times less (0.2 millimetres) corresponds to magnitude 0;

1000 times less (0.02 millimetres) corresponds to magnitude -1.


An earthquake of negative magnitude is a very small earthquake that is not felt by humans.