Anonymous ID: 6ee51a Sept. 1, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.2840043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0638



Very interesting reading regarding Alice in Wonerland by Illuminati watcher.


The name “Alice” means “truth” in Greek, and here we see that she could be depicted as the goddess. Worshipping the goddess figure is important in Illuminati rituals because it all revolves around the evocation of Isis and the fulfillment of the summoning of the Antichrist…


This actually really makes a lot of sense if you look at the symbolism the Cabal has been throwing around!


Need eyes on this Anons…good information here that is very relevant.


Also, think how Satan desiccated every thing that GOD loved….is this why we celebrate Easter with a White Rabbit? To desecrate the rise of Gods son?


How about Christmas? Satan is just reworded to be Santa!


Our whole lives have been manipulated by evil!