Anonymous ID: 843324 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.2840446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Marty Torrey, chief of staff for former U.S. Rep. John Sweeney.

Clinton met Marty Torrey in Washington when he was working for Sweeney."

Anonymous ID: 843324 Sept. 1, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.2840556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0638

Did Hillary control the Middle East (wonderland)?

Email from the Hatter



This will be long but, from my surprising new vantage point, hopefully of some value. Very impressive session with the

former Pakistan leader. 1,000 guests at a Long Island City event; but I had 20 candid private minutes afterwards with

Musharraf, his US cousin Parvez Mahmood, his former cabinet member and current US coordinator Nakim Ashraf, and

my businessman friend Joseph Rutigliano. Musharraf is not happy with our Pres, our VP, or Armitage, as he feels they

are denying him access - but thinks you are" an enlightened, real, and lovely leader ". His new political party,

established last month - the All Pakistan Muslim League -, has support among ex pats and they are apparently funding

him well; plus he is promising them "the vote" if elected in 2013. I noted women on the dias in western garb and

among his committee, and he is promising women and minorities rights and religious equality. While particularly

unhappy with Biden and Armitage, he/they view you as" pragmatic, wise, and genuinely interested in peace in the

region, for prosperity for Pakistan and an end to the conduct of terrorists". Further, they want to reach out to new

Republican House majority leaders. Yet, he / they would prefer to communicate with you. Nasim Ashraf knows Pete

Sessions, but not very well, yet Sessions has been making pro Musharraf statements in public. I know Pete too, as he

was a pal of John Sweeney's. I was invited to Washington on Nov 10th for some Musharraf event, but declined as I have

2 previously scheduled meetings. Also was invited to 'connect' with him / them when I am in London mid-Nov. But, I did

not say yes - yet. I understand the importance of all this and my good fortune to be up close. However, I would dabble

no further at this level without communication such as this. Your guidance would be appreciated, as I find myself in a

delicious situation relative to an interesting piece of geography in this global neighborhood of yours. I left NYC very late

tonight after the event / meeting, so called home and said I was finding lodging on Rt 9 in Hyde Park. Did, on familiar turf

:-) But wanted to get this off to you while the night's info is fresh on my mind. All the best from a grateful friend who

values the blessings of the friendship. Tired, and glad the clocks are going back 1 hour tonight :-) M