Anonymous ID: e2f75a Sept. 1, 2018, 6:47 p.m. No.2840460   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To Anons: I'm sure other anons have felt this, too, but since Q, I don't fear whatever they may attempt to do. I am certainly cautious (don't care to die or be trapped), but I have peace that I haven't felt…maybe ever. The '80s formed my nightmares because of the Nuke Freeze assholes always fomenting fear, and 9/11 made sure I never felt safe on a deep level. No longer.


To the Cabal: No matter WHAT happens now, we am not afraid of you. Like all despots throughout history, you will never take our peace, you will never be able to take away our dignity, and we will never, EVER go back to sleep. There are hundreds of millions of us now. I am happy if you choose to repent now, while the patience of God has not run out. No name lost his chance and he will pay forevermore. "Because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant hearts, you are storing up wrath against yourselves for the day of God's wrath when his righteous judgment will be revealed." And Q and POTUS are arranging the meeting. So repent for your sakes (you'll still have to pay the earthly consequences - that's what true repentance looks like BILL), or don't. I don't care much which.


To Q: Thanks is too little. I'll lay down my life for you all, if it comes to that. WWG1WGA