Anonymous ID: d26410 Sept. 1, 2018, 7:21 p.m. No.2840902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pretty easy


its the process of MAKING A NEW THREAD and takes 5 posts including Original Post

if we were all autists you could leisurely bake but we have anons here too and theyre not the brightest people but we love them anyways

they are what make it a JOB, if we bake too early they shitpost on both threads, if we bake too late they shitpost before we can make 5 simple posts


notables, consider that Baking2.0, save that shit for later


if you look at the DOUGH you will see the

//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'//'/// Line Breaks //'//'//'//'//'//'/////

for each post



there is another board called COMMS

you can practice MAKING A NEW THREAD there ALL YOU WANT


if you get confident enough, dont hesitate to

ask a baker if they are down

to sit back and let you bake a bread


love you all

(hetero style)
