Anonymous ID: 493b01 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2841637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1663

>>2841420, >>2840844 lb

Thanks as always for the dedication bakers, BO. Backup/graveyard baker can't come on till 2 or 3am ET tonight. (Sat’s family day). But I can stay on thru morn again if needed. Baking, or spotting dis guy mebbe:


>>2841081 lb

Righteous. I'll prolly be baking then, happy to spot you. Thanks bigly for heeding the call, fren


>>2840775 lb

Also righteous! Your contribution is most needed and will be greatly appreciated. Let us know how we can help as you move forward. Baking rocks. If QR’s boot camp for the mind, baking is how you get swole kek