Anonymous ID: 5dfbc8 Sept. 1, 2018, 8:27 p.m. No.2841659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1728 >>1806

Classic Children's Films are used in MKUltra/Monarch/Orion Mind Control Programming


The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and other Disney Classics have been used in programming children in the secret C_A/Cabal underground Labs underneath practically every Military Base in the US, where the cabal do most of the rape/torture/drug programming.


Anons are looking at the White Rabbits from a normie perspective as a children's tale, and as some perverted pedo's sick "art", but are missing the point.


I think it has a far deeper and massive trigger meaning and usage for (((them))).


It takes many years of "programming" to get a functioning slave. According to Stewart Swerdlow, 70-80% of the kids don't survive = they die. Of the other 20-30%, the majority of them can't function and are usually killed or kept in psych institutions. Only a tiny 1% survive and are mentally functional enough to be used as a mind controlled slave for the cabal. This is why they use up kids by the Millions for the Mind Control program.


The Illuminati Formula To Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave


Cisco Wheeler and Dr. Fritz Springmeier wrote the most thorough and detailed account of Cisco Wheeler's mind control programming. It's a Must-Read for all Awoke Anons because when you know how "programming" was actually done to children during Cisco Wheeler's day, you will gain an insider's understanding of these iconic Cabal symbols such as the White Rabbit.


When their icons such as "Alice", "Wonderland", "White Rabbit" show up publicly on the Q and Qresearch radar, you will have an immediate sense of their symbols and how it's used openly, right in-your-goy-faces.


Ex: child is tortured while under hypnotic drugs, let's say a giant white bunny rapes her, her split alter from that torture session is programmed to perform a specific action, and the alter is named as a character in a Disney classic such as Alice, or an object , and that mind fragment is stored somewhere in Wonderland. This alter goes into its stored mental compartment by going down the Rabbit Hole.


Ex: Child mind controlled slave with Alice programming >Playboy Bunny >> Political Espionage Honeypot


Cisco Wheeler wrote that the most iconic Disney children's films of each generation is used to program children, and that Disney films are written specifically for programming purposes and the movies have programming script embedded in them. As Q wrote, the scope and scale of their evil is massive.


If you want to be truly awakened

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