Anonymous ID: fdb47d Sept. 1, 2018, 9:03 p.m. No.2842019   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2052 >>2065

>>2841305 Previous Thread:


" You honestly feel the Lord God is blessing the USA, with the massive abortion, hollywood pedos and immorality, and general government lawlessness abound?"


The Biblical consequence for nationally legalized child sacrifice is invasion and conquest. HOWEVER, in the OT, after the split, the northern 10 tribes, called Israel, NEVER worshipped the God of their fathers, and were invaded and disappeared. The southern 2 tribes, Benjamen and Judah, are the nation of Judah and the capital is Jerusalem and David is of the tribe of Judah.


The nation of Judah practiced child sacrifice under King Manasseh. He was taken captive to Babylon. He realized that the God of His fathers is the One True God and he repented, was freed, went back to Judah and destroyed all the altars. He and Judah were given a reprieve. His grandson was Josiah and there was a great revival under Josiah (he became king at 8 yrs old :)


2 kings later, the king followed Manasseh. They broke parole and were invaded and conquered by Babylon. Temple destroyed. The remnant of the nation of Judah were in Babylon. They returned 70 yrs later.


BTW, this was prophesied to Abraham.


Therefore, if my assumptions are correct and the NWO people are also pro-choice, the nation must outlaw pre-born genocide and do it while the NWO people are decimated. Otherwise, all is moot. The Great Tribulation is at hand. Satan gets his time to rule and then the Messiah, the Son of Man, returns. (pre-tribbers read 1 & 2 Thess).


“Surely at the command (mouth) of the LORD it came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, and also for the innocent blood which he shed, for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; AND THE LORD WOULD NOT FORGIVE.” (All caps mine) 2 Kings 23:26 & 27 and 24:3 & 4


God's red line is child sacrifice. I believe it is also the abomination that causes desolation (let the reader understand).


NOTE: King Manasseh was forgiven! He repented, turned around, walked away, bulldozed the altars! The nation was not forgiven. Judah was given a reprieve.