Anonymous ID: 090219 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.2842706   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2785


Go sloooooooooow. Don't ever tell them anything. Only ask them questions.

Read a book on NLP if you want to know more.

Ask questions like, "If someone spied on a citizen illegally without a warrant is that bad?"


"If they did that while also producing false information would that show malicious intent?"


"If they spied illegally on someone in order to change the outcome of an election while colaborating with foreign actors in the foreign actors best interest and their own, would that be conspiracy? Would that also be considered Treason?" (read out word for word treason charge in US)




Start with the little things. If they hate Trump so much, then blame them on him.

"Is it really that bad that someone would work with a foreign government in order to change an election?"


Then you say, tell me more…let them get tired until they have fully exhausted all of the reasons why Trump did that bad thing and he should be impeached prison killed etc.


Then show them actual factual evidence from all of the left wing sources and Mueller that it was democrats. NO MATTER WHAT, their brain will not be able to distance the two subconsciously because of her ego. She is still "right" just not correct about the person.

Once evidence comes out, it will reinforce the fact she was "right" about those actions being wrong, even if she was mistaken about who did it.


Several months of this, and she will start to come around on her own.


TLDR, Ask leading questions that get her to agree with you each time.

Anonymous ID: 090219 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.2842745   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Hash marks on photos on this thread relating to weddings and old Ball photos seems to meed fat bitch criteria.

Anonymous ID: 090219 Sept. 1, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.2842781   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2915 >>2973


I was on that instagram the night it was first posted before everything got deleted or hidden.

One thing I noticed was "code words" like when faggots talk about "I'm a hard top, looking for a bottom" or weird shit like that.


If we find the lingo and have a key, might lead to more findings or at the very least, easier digging. Look at what the spiral symbols have done for us already.