Anonymous ID: 4e1fad Sept. 1, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.2842755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2778 >>2796 >>2809 >>2841 >>2844 >>2920 >>2958


Overwhelming evidence says we are not alone on this planet

Who is on the planet with us?

What are Draco, annunaki, others?

If they are here with us, who are we fighting?

We know they take our children

We know they eat them

We know they have infiltrated all aspects of our society

We know they look at us as sheep

We know we are their prey

So what the hell are we dealing with?

Cannibalistic human cult? - that doesn’t make sense. Any true human cannibals would never have become as powerful as our enemy has become on this planet

So what are we left with?


It is important we figure this out

We can’t fight an enemy we don’t know

Is this why they are scared we will wake up?


Why and how are the good guys protected? We must have help if we are fighting more advanced beings, correct? Who is helping us? Why?