Anonymous ID: 78c2dc Sept. 1, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.2842811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2912


A couple points on this horrible creepy shit out in Oregon. First, I don't need to point out the symbolism of key holes, rabbits, upside down stars and other creepy shit… What REALLY got my attention though was the…Tone… of the articles… So bear with me…


Read this PDF letter from these fuckers then go read the weirdest and creepiest of the pizzagate stuff. It is the same fucking tone. The veiled statements and the undertones that there is MORE going on behind the scenes. Notice how they are all old as fuck. No families. No nothin. Just old ass rich people with a "charity". Bullshit I don't believe that for a minute. This group is rotten to the core and worthy of a dig by any good anon… I will do my worst on this one.

Anonymous ID: 78c2dc Sept. 1, 2018, 11:17 p.m. No.2842983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ya… You been noticing that happening as well huh? Yeah There is a lot of that goin on I think. This, well, 'hits home' for me… It is all so sad. We live in a beautiful state full of wonderful people and life could be a great adventure but Nooooo… These creepy fucking cocksuckers have to go ruin it for everyone. I grew up in the places this PDF mentions. I may stand in line at the grocery store with these.. things. I. AM. SO. READY. TO. GET. THIS. GOING. not to nowfag but dayam…